When GOD prepares a table

The angel of the LORD came back a second time and touched him and said, "Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you."So he got up and ate and drank. Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God. 1 Kings 19:7-8

So he got up... 
He obeyed the instruction and got up. He took a step and did as he was told. 

*GOD always gives instructions but you must be listening to hear it and secondly you must be willing to obey the instructions* 

What instructions has He given that you are yet to carry out? 

Think...and consult with Him...

Why consult him? 

In certain cases some instructions are meant for seasons and depending on the urgency of the matter, GOD could have asked someone else carry out His desire. 

Scenario 1:
When GOD asked the Children of GOD to go conquer the land of Ai, they refused to go initially and when they finally decided to go, GOD told not to bother again but they insisted they must and what happened... they were utterly defeated. 

*Verify with GOD again*

....and eat for the journey is too much for you

We need food for the journey. The extent of your assignment whether on your job, business, your walk with GOD and life in general determines what you should feed on, the quality and the amount of what to feed on. 

...Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights

Whatever the angel gave him must have been made in Heaven or how best can this be explained? That the cake of bread and jar of water sustained him for forty days and nights...not 7 days and 7 nights but 40...wow, Incredible! 

If the food sustained him that long then you can imagine what the Psalmist meant when he said... "He prepares a table...

If what the angel gave Elijah lasted that long, how much more when GOD prepares a table... Selah! 

Elijah had a cake of bread and a jar of water but here the psalmists talks about a table... Which means whatever is on that table can sustain you forever. If you are His, then you have access to the ever sustaining table of GOD. 

What could be on that table? 

The bowls of prosperity, plates of promotion, glass of honour and recognition and so much more all served in their courses: first course of victories, 2nd course of grace and a dessert of favour... 

And in whose presence will all these be served? In the presence of your enemies... sworn enemies, under cover freind-nemies, evil plotters, and the old man himself. 

And why? 
To let them know that you share in the greatness of GOD, therefore you can never be defeated for one with GOD is a majority. 

No matter what you might be going through, no matter the phase you are in currently, draw from GOD and feed on His Word; that is the best way to get the strength you need to stand strong and breakthrough.

The table is set before you... It's your duty to dive in! 



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