Faith-boosting experiences 1

Scenario 1:
Location: Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria
Year: Sometime before 2018
Day: Saturday

A quick one about the location...
Someone once told me with all seriousness that my going to Ibadan was a mistake. I looked at the person with eyes wide opened and began to laugh the laughter of "if only you knew". Then I proceeded to reply with words that made the person realize that a person's location per time was divinely orchestrated.

Lesson 1: GOD will place you in certain locations at different seasons of your life for so many reasons; either to connect you with people that will sharpen your skills and make you better or because He has something for you to do or people He wants you to bless. Think back to the places you have been over the past few years and the people you've met! (Feel free to share at the comment section)

Lesson 2: People will always utter words based on their level of understanding. If there is a need to, do enlighten them but if not....ssssshhhh, your results and time will answer for you. 

Lesson 3: GOD makes no mistakes!

Back to the scenario 1:
We had just finished rehearsals, so I Daa and I walked out to get a bike, and found our way home, unknown to both of us, the money we paid the bike men was the last we had on us. After dinner, we began making plans for service the next day and as we got talking we realised that we were both down to Zero Naira, and we began laughing not the laughter of unbelief but the laughter of "GOD will sha make a way".

Fast forward to the next morning...

We did the necessary morning duties, got dressed and began to walk out of the estate. As we walked, we kept laughing and thanking GOD because we were sure He would show up.

Lesson 4: Just because there's no cash in your wallet or account doesn't mean your life will stand still. WITH GOD ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN! But you have to show GOD you trust Him to show up.

Lesson 5: Dont stay put where you are, maybe on the bed or couch, expecting that manna will fall from Heaven... make a move. Show GOD through your actions that you are ready for His help.

Back to the story...

We did not know what means GOD will use to get us to Church, so we kept walking excitedly, eager to see how He was going to do it because GOD has promised to always make a way. (This kind of excitement cannot be measured)

Lesson 6: GOD has different ways of getting your needs met. Aside from giving you your personal cash to get the stuffs you need, He can use someone on the queue to pay for the items in your trolley or make a friend buy you lunch. He can use any means...just like He did for Elijah when He used the ravens to feed Him. Don't box GOD; there are countless ways to get you that job, the contract, the money for that project or whatever it is that you want.

Lesson 7: Anytime a father/mother makes a promise to their children, all the children do is to simply wait to receive either the toy car or the bicycle, all because daddy/mummy made a promise. If GOD has promised, then wait in anticipation.


Well, we finally got to the gate of the estate and as we stood waiting, guess what happened or better still, guess who decided to pass by? Yusuf, a bike man I ran into some time back who was extremely excited to meet a Hausa speaking lady in the city of Ibadan. As he took me into town that day, we gisted and laughed until I arrived my destination. Well,  that same Yusuf, was the one the wind blew our way that morning.

Something to mull over:
-What if we had remained on bed just because we felt we had no money to get to Church?
-Why did Yusuf choose to pass by our area that morning?
-Why was there no passenger on his bike?

Lesson 8: GOD can use anyone. Never look down on anyone, not the house help, the security man, the gas  station attendant, the cab man or the mallam/mai shai(Tea maker ) by the road side.

Lesson 9: Be friendly! No matter what you might be going through, when you step into a cab or a bank, when you stop to get gas or other items at a mall; make conversations with the person at the other end. A simple "How is work?, "How are you today? Or I love your hair do/shirt/wristwatch can go a long way. Sometimes you have to forget about yourself and reach out *wink*

Back to the story... 

As he saw me and Daa, he quickly stopped and asked where we were headed. We told him and made him understand these beautifully dressed ladies had no cash on them. He smiled and asked us to 

Did we get to Church or not? We did and way before many other people...smiles

Faith is real, it is the actual currency of every child of GOD and it requires you to act, to move, to do, to dress up, to speak up and to show up.

Open your mind to possibilities. Don't put GOD in a box or limit Him with your way of thinking. He has countless ways of giving you what you so desire. With faith,  you reach out and get it. 



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