Those baby steps are worth celebrating... Be grateful

We all watched as JDee tried to crawl on his knees some days back. Prior to this, he had been doing a great job crawling on his stomach, but the guy just can't wait to walk... Lol. So he keeps pushing himself. 


*You will always remain at the same spot doing the same things until you push yourself forward. 

*Don't stop at the point or place where others think you should and neither should you stop because of factors like your age or your sex, or the fact that no one has ever done it before. You can be the first to break and set a new record.

*Keep pushing yourself until you are all you can be. 

*Don't let the barriers and mindsets stop you. 

Eventually JDee did it... He moved one knee and we all went screaming. 

Why did we scream? 

*We saw the progress he had made even though, some would consider it so little, but try asking a mum who has been praying for her child to walk after so many years, she would consider that a great achievement. 

*Milestones are worth celebrating. What seems little or large to you is what someone else considers a miracle. 

Okay,  why did I write this? 

*2018 is gradually strolling by, some are in 2019 already. Maybe you feel the progress you made in the year could be likened to the kind of progress JDee made that evening, but it's something to be grateful for. You've got to celebrate those baby steps as you expect greater things. 

*No matter how tiny or large the progress you've made seems, be grateful. Get up, dance, scream, praise and laugh as hard as you can. The fact that you are alive and well is something to thank GOD for. 

And be expectant cos 2019 is going to be a year of ceaseless and immeasurable triumphs.

So be brave,  be fierce, be you, push for more and do more. 



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