The Joy of seeing again... A true life story

I had been coming into the office for the past 4 years but I really couldn't make out the colours on the walls neither could I tell if the wall needed cleaning or re-painting. My eye sight had gone that bad. But today, I walked into the office and for the first time, I could see the walls perfectly and I even noticed the walls were dirty. So, I asked for the walls to be cleaned. The gift of sight cannot be accurately explained in English or any other language. I had spent the last 10 years partially blind. I had hit and knocked against different things countless times. I pretended all was well because I was scared of going for an operation and losing my sight completely but today my story is different.

Lesson 1:
*Fear, if not overcomed keeps you at one spot.

*Fear prevents you from accessing and enjoying amazing opportunities.

*It stops you from fulfilling the life GOD had ordained for you.

*Get help as soon as you need it, don't let fear stop you.

 *The tunnel you fear to enter might just be the tunnel that will liberate you.

Back to the story....

I had an issue with one of my eyes way back. Only to discover years later that I had cataract on the second eye. I can't explain how it happened. Going to the doctor wasn't an option for me. What if they made a mistake and I go blind completely? I decided not to go, and just have faith. With each passing day, I realized it was getting worse, I wasn't seeing clearly anymore. I searched everywhere especially the internet for natural cure for cataract but alas no solution was found so I was left with no option but surgery. What if the surgery didn't work? That's total blindness. I was scared.

I recall greeting Uncle Tumz one evening and as he responded, he turned in the direction of my voice but was looking elsewhere. It was obvious he couldn't see me. It was that bad. Uncle Tumz story was one of fear and sadness but now it's a story of joy and gratitude.

Back to the story...

Eventually, last year December, I finally adhered and succumbed to the pleas of my dear wife, my family and friends. I went in for an operation and today, I can see the world again. I can see the amazing blend of colours, the beautiful faces of my wife and kids, and the blue sky. I can see the altar of GOD and the Church in its glory. I can't thank GOD enough.

Lesson 2:
*You need the right people in your life, people who will tell you the truth and push you to do awesome things.

*Well, it's one thing to have the right people and another thing to listen to what they have to say.

*Appreciate GOD for all that you were born with, the sense of sight, smell, touch and all.

Why don't you take a look at the blue sky once again? Yeah....and let a smile spread across your face. It seems so simple and easy right! Well, that's because you can. Spend time appreciating GOD that you can share a hand shake, a hug, smell the flowers, pat your dog's head,  see the faces of your loved ones and even take a walk.


Here's what uncle Tumz employees have to say "No hiding place for us again in the office".

Their boss can now see perfectly, so they've got to comport themselves... Lol.

I'm grateful... What about you?



  1. Wow... inspiring, this will be the year I do all those things I have been scared of doing in the past

  2. So shall it be! Glad you were inspired. Thanks for the feedback.


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