A letter to dad

Dear daddy, 

You would have been a year older today
But we are grateful for the years we were privilege to have spent with you. It was worth it, very worth it, the tutoring, discipline, instructions, wise words and the knowledge imparted among other things made the years we spent with you worthwhile. 

A lot has happened since you went home
Mum is doing better than the previous year. We had a laugh about you some days back. We were talking about the outcome of the elections, and I was telling mum that I could imagine your reaction if you were still here, you most likely would have quit watching Nigerian TV stations entirely. We laughed and she mentioned how you said, you wouldn't be around when Buhari returned for a second tenure and true, Buhari won and you aren't here. 

Well, on a lighter note, some of your children have grown fatter... I won't mention their names...Lol..(they know themselves). Some tried but it just didn't happen (We know ourselves) and some others were stressed and had to remain in shape. I bet you must be laughing right now, most importantly cos there's no room for tears in Heaven. Your grandchildren are all doing awesome and increasing in numbers too. 

Basically, everyone is fine and still living by the standards you imparted. We would have been rallying round to surprise you this weekend as usual but we will just stay put where we are all located, and reminisce on the previous birthdays; the surprise look mixed with the smile of a proud father, the laughter and the prayers.

Yes oh, the prayers. That's one thing I miss a lot. There was never a call that ended without you saying:

"I will always be happy"
"My joy will be full and limitless"
"I will always have light" and
"I will be promoted in GOD's own special way" 

And the last prayer which you said that morning before we traveled: 

"You will always keep moving forward and forward"

I don't joke with this last prayer at all. My progress is certain. The devil sef know that one... He can only try to slow it down but las las this blessing is irrevocable... kapish! 

These prayers have become my weapon. They are arrows I fight with daily, and especially when I see something negative brewing. I remind the wind or storm that I have voices that have spoken and are still speaking over my life, so it should goan rest and remain within its boundaries.. Be still! 

*Never joke with the words, prayers and blessings of your parents.
*When they are declaring, get down on your knees and receive. It's not a joking matter.. Lol
*Write them down, believe them, confess them and be ready to see them come to pass. 

Well dad, as you know, I don't talk too much... *shines teeth... So let me wrap this up. 

Happy post-humous birthday 
It's still like a dream that you aren't here
I miss you everyday
Rest on BDO

Your daughter, 



  1. May his soul continue to rest in peace...
    Some of your children have gotten fatter...This statement cracked me up..
    Those that are trying 2add should come leme take them to a fattening room, they will become larger than life itself.

    1. Amen couz!

      Lol... We know ourselves. Biko send ticket money asap....smiles.

  2. He is a man full of wisdom... i once benefited from his counsel/ guidance. May his gentle soul continue to rest in peace.

    1. Amen sir!
      Indeed, daddy was a man full of wisdom.


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