GOD has not forgotten

As I got into the house that Saturday, all I wanted to do was sleep, the week had been stressful but the awaited results made it worth while. I found just the perfect spot on the rug in the children's parlour, I laid down and within minutes sleep took over. After a while, from my sleep, I heard Dara rushing to get the phone to speak to her dad. Over time, we had come to know her usual lines when she spoke to her dad. As she took the phone, Dara didn't fall my hands, she blurted out: 

"Daddy, when are you coming? 

And then next came the second most famous sentence:

"Daddy, have you bought the things I said you should buy for me?"

These two sentences has been her usual lines for months. I was used to them but as she said the second sentence, my mind was hit by a thought. Although, Dara was yet to receive the stuffs she had requested for and it seemed time was going, she kept asking for them with the same zeal, ecstasy and joy in her voice every time the opportunity presented itself for her to ask. 

Not once did I hear a tone of mockery in her voice as she spoke, nor did the excitement in her voice dwindle with uncertainty or get  mingled and entangled with doubt and weariness.

Let me explain the above terms with some examples:

So, GOD's Word is full of promises but beyond that, there are some promises He has made to you specially, and just like Dara, you've been expecting and expecting and its like you are beginning to wonder if GOD really made the promise to you in the first place, such that when GOD reminds you about it, you either shove the thought away or laugh the laughter of Sarah, one filled with doubt and mockery.

Or because of how long it has been, you don't even bother asking GOD again or when you ask, you ask with no iota of joy or faith, more like out of self pity and sometimes throwing tantrums like a spoilt child and drowning away all words of encouragement from friends and even the Holy Spirit. While at certain moments,  we sound like we don't care if He does it or not, those are moments when we say things like "but father you said you would do this and that, anyway, never mind". Forgetting GOD does what we ask and even exceeds it. Thank GOD for His mercies that overlook our childish acts.

What has GOD promised you?
Is it a better pay or a child? Maybe a contract deal or even healing? Stay focused, don't get weary, fainthearted or bitter. GOD is too faithful to fail. Those needs, desires and promises will be unveiled sooner than you think, no matter how hard the devil tries to oppose their manifestation. Like Dara, keep your vibe high.

By the way, Dara got her wishes granted weeks back. You should have seen how she was beaming with smiles from cheek to cheek, jealously guarding  her properties. It will be your turn soon. 

Keep the faith! Keep your vibe high because GOD has not forgotten His promises to you.



  1. Well written and inspiring. Thanks for always being Spot on.

    1. Awww, thank you Chimzy. I choose the Y over the I @ your name. Thanks for the feedback.


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