Watch it! Your words have a lasting impact

My niece and nephews were glued to the TV watching the cartoon, "Sanjay and Craig", while I worked on my laptop. I heard a line from the cartoon that made me laugh. Apparently, the kids had lost a balloon and went in search of it and while the search was on, one of the kids screamed out:

"Where are you?"
"Please return to us"
"Was it something I said? 
I'm sorry, I take it back"

I smiled at the last line cos one of the few things we can never and will never ever be able to take back, no matter how hard we try, are the words we have spoken. Just as light or a laser beam is a force that can pierce a glass when focused on it, the words we speak are also a force that once targeted at a person, hits, pierces and hurts if negative but heals and strengthens if positive.

Wondering why your words carry so much power?

You were made in GOD's image. He calls you a god. When you received Him, He gave you the power to be called His son. His person and His name gives you the same authority as He has. The Bible says He sends His Words and it heals...

Note that "He sends His Words".... Meaning when you speak, you are also sending your words on an assignment and just like GOD, every word you speak is on mission and will not return until it does as intended. Obviously, what the Father can do, you also can. 

Isaiah 55:11: So also will be the word that I speak--it will not fail to do what I plan for it; it will do everything I send it to do. 

...."What I plan for it"

GOD has a plan for the words He speaks, more like there's a motive behind what He says. I'm sure you have had a check in your spirit on many occasions that stops you from saying something you were about to say. But sometimes cos of the sweetness of the gist we ignore... I have been there too.

One of the major purposes of words is to create. With your words you can create an impression about someone to others, you can create unity or division between people, change situations positively or negatively, paint a picture of what you think and paint the future you want to see. The list is endless.

Think back.... What have you created so far in your life, among your family and friends?

-Think before you speak or respond
-Be conscious that your words have creative powers
-Watch your motive
-Sshhhhh, there is no crime in keeping quiet sometimes you know.

Seeing how powerful words are, don't let your words float out of your mouth carelessly. 



  1. Spot on write up. Love you loads.
    Thanks yspot.

  2. Our words are more powerful than we realize.


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