Lessons from Dad

Dad had sent a driver to come and pick me from school. To make it easier, the driver came from the branch where my school was located, so I could be dropped off at the Jos branch then get someone else to take me down to Kaduna. 

Max, max, I was supposed to travel along with LKS (who is sleeping in the Lord now). Ask me what I did oh? Hahahhaa I cannot gerrover the laughter when I think back. When the car was ready to move, we were like 6 fegolang girls inside the car. Yes, that number exactly...hahaha. We had fun traveling to Jos together, I can't recall those in the car sef but I remember the lessons learnt from the whole adventure.

Fast forward...

When we arrived the branch in Jos, there was no car to carry that number of people. The car available was just for me and LKS. We waited for a while and they got a car that could take us to Kaduna. We arrived KD in good time and I was taken home. I wasn't aware I had cooked serious beans, the beans had burnt sef. But I began to suspect later from the tone of the driver, when he spoke with dad. We got home, I stepped into the house happy to see everyone. After the pleasantries, Daddy cautioned me gently and sternly. He made me understand the gravity of what I had done. There was nothing wrong in helping but it had to be done with wisdom.

Why did I share this story?

Its father's day and I just want to share one of the many virtues/traits I learnt from my dad, and mum also;  Giving/Generosity. Dad could go out of his way for anyone. Giving was a second nature. So when he was scolding me that day, in my mind I was like, "I learnt it from you". Hahahaha, mouth no gree me talk am. But for real, not a day passed that I didn't see them both give to people. Little wonder why one of the first awards I received while in Primary school was the award for generosity, that earned me the book " Sugar girl", a book I read over and over again.

Dad, you might be sleeping today
But the virtues, character and morals you instilled in us, still lives on
By the way, I still give with wisdom. Getting better at it...lol
Thank you for being the best to us
And for handing us over to the the greatest of all Dads

Live on!



  1. Adieu Papa!
    Thanks for the intense training,you did well, ooooin!
    I pray God grants your offsprings the grace and strength to carry on the good legacy.


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