The school Bus

Pimmmm pimmm

It was the school bus.

It was just 5:55 am

I began to laugh cos Kekz my niece had just picked her sponge from the bathroom not up to 2 mins, meaning she was either heading to the next bathroom or about to brush. By the time I stepped into the sitting room few minutes later, I saw Kekz and her brother rushing out of the door.

Fast forward to the next day...

@5:55 am; Kekz and her brother were all set and ready to leave. They had eaten breakfast and placed their bags beside the door. I smiled as I saw them seating and waiting.

*The mistakes of yesterday are for us to make the right decisions/take the right steps today.
*When we repeat the same mistake twice it means we are not learning.

Back to the story...

35minutes later, I stepped out and I saw Kekz, her brother and Dara, all asleep on the sofa. I had to stifle my laugher to avoid waking them up. I went back to the room to clear my things, pick my bag and head out for work.

@6:40 am, I heard my name and rushed out.

Their mum had just come out to see her kids all asleep on the sofa. We had our share of laughter together. I went back to pick my bag and we heard the school bus honking. The kids jumped up, and went straight for their bags and rushed out...

*Live ready, so you will make the best and get the best out of opportunities that life brings way.

Truth be told, just like the school bus, we all are expecting the heavenly bus, and the timing for the heavenly bus varies for everyone. We have to be ready at all times whether the bus arrives to pick us home before Christ comes, or not. Being ready is the only option we have, cos GOD is not going to knock and ask; "My son/dughter, are you ready?", nope, He will call, send the bus or come and you have to answer, if it is your time.

In a nutshell; Live ready, and beyond that, encourage others to live ready.

I dedicate this article to my dear friend; Zainat Salau and my awesome Grandpa- A SoliPapy who left the earth recently. You both will forver be remembered.

Live ready!



  1. This is a good read. If we can watch to learn from the simple things of life, we would be fine.

    1. Very true Ruxx, the simple things of life are like open books to learn from. Thank you for the feedback dear.

  2. So touching..God bless you dear

  3. May we be ready, waiting at his arrival for us. Grace Lord!


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