Go and get your Father

Whose child are you? Where is your father?

Scene 1:
A child can be taunted, beaten, and bullied until the day he decides to let his father in on what's been happening to him, and eventually, the father shows up and the situation changes for good.😎

Scene 2:
When your father is wealthy and great but you have kept that part of your life to yourself. And when a conversation is going on with friends and you are trying to talk about your dad, and you get the look that says who is your father sef? Finally, they get to know your father, and they are like, you mean that's your dad.😲

In both scenes, people question who your father is until He shows up.

In the real world, you might not outrightly have bullies bullying you or friends mocking you, but you can trust life to do both the bullying and the questioning, all in the bid to know who your Father is. We are in a world where all thanks to Adam and Eve, the devil has been thrown down to do and undo whatever he likes on earth until the set time when he will be sweetly flung into the bottomless pit. But till then, one of his major assignments is to shake you to test and weigh the level of your understanding of GOD as your father and also to make you doubt GOD's love and care for you or doubt His Father-ship..lol😁

How does he do this?

Let's see some scenarios;

- You walk into a shop with your daughter and she nudges at you to buy her something you know she truly deserves and needs but as much as you want to, you know you can't at that moment and your heart becomes heavy. 😣

Devil: Shebi you are a child of GOD, oya na😈

- After many years of praying for a job, you finally get called for an interview. You go for the interview and you know in your heart that this is it, but the job goes to someone else.😩

- You have believed GOD for a change in your family or you've been waiting for a child or waiting to land that big contract but despite all the prayers and fasting, it seems nothing is happening. 😭

- Or at the office, you are known to be a person of integrity and honesty but every other person gets promoted except you.😕

What should your response be?

Go and get your Father. 💪

How? By calling on him.🙏

I can hear someone saying, I have been calling over and over. Same here too😂😂😂. Even though we know GOD never sleeps or slumbers, it's amazing how 'sometimes ' it seems He does. 

Well, He is GOD and we cannot tell Him when to show up. He decides cos He knows the perfect time to.

Keep calling...

We keep reaching out to our earthly fathers until they respond. Keep reaching out to GOD also. Fathers eventually show up no matter what their schedule looks like because they love you and you are important to them. Maybe your dad was never there but with GOD the case is different; GOD will always show up because you matter to Him. The timing just has to be perfect by Him! GOD will answer your call, and let everyone know, including life, people, and the devil who have mocked and questioned His Fatherhood that you are His BELOVED CHILD.💖

Soon, He will show up if He hasn't and usually, when He does that, He does it in a big way to make a statement that silences the accuser (s).

Whenever people, life or the devil question who your father is... just smile and go, get your Father.😎



  1. Hmmnmmm I love this.
    Even though we know GOD never sleeps or slumbers, it's amazing how 'sometimes ' it seems He does. .....yea I see like this many times.

    But yeah this is my solution👇

    Whenever people, life or the devil question who your father is... just smile and go, get your Father.😎

    I'm gonna get My Father and He will show up for me. Halleluyah.

  2. Hmmnmmm I love this.
    Even though we know GOD never sleeps or slumbers, it's amazing how 'sometimes ' it seems He does. .....yea I see like this many times.

    But yeah this is my solution👇

    Whenever people, life or the devil question who your father is... just smile and go, get your Father.😎

    I'm gonna get My Father and He will show up for me. Halleluyah.

  3. Halleluyah! Yes He will show up for you and right on time.

  4. Thanks, Queen T for sharing this thought

    1. You are welcome Chimzi. Thanks for reading.


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