Keep the pests out


No matter how well a house is built, even with a solid foundation, well erected pillars, and lovely roofing, you will still find wall geckos and spiders in the house. When you finally move in to possess and occupy your home, guess who else comes creeping in, and wants access to the comfort of your guessed right, the never- relenting roach, most-annoying mosquitoes and the greedy mouse😀.

Because of the diseases associated with these animals, we do all we can to get them out. We spray insecticides, use certain chemicals when we find just one of them, or just in the bid to keep them out because we understand the gravity of what might happen if we do not take these necessary measures.

I remember asking GOD why we had to keep praying against the attacks of the devil, because after praying, it seems he goes but soon comes back. He dropped the thought about the house-pests and animals above. We never get tired of using insecticides or doing all we can to keep them out. We close doors, close windows, fix nets to cover up all inlets and do all we can to protect our homes. It's the same with the attacks from the enemy, you have to do your part to keep him out. 

Why? Because....💭

👌The enemy keeps coming after what you own, what you possess, and what you carry. You do not just fold your hands and let them take what you own. You fight them off like you do the mosquitoes that come for your blood or the rats that comes for the food items in your kitchen. 

In essence the devil and his cohorts know your worth, so you must keep guarding it...close the doors and access points in your life.

Give the devil no foothold....stand your ground.😎

👌If you relent and stop praying and the enemy attacks, your spiritual immunity becomes compromised, and the devil will achieve his aim of stealing, killing and destroying. Imagine what happens, if a house is filled with mosquitoes....

Don't get tired of praying. 💣

The devil is not like the house pests. No! He knows how to plan and strategize, and he never gets tired no matter how many times he hits. He works with his aim and goal at mind. You should too. Keep your eyes on the many promises of ABBA Father to you, declare it, and do all you can to keep the pests and the old man out.

Stay persistent💪!



  1. Ewwwwwww look at that rodent. It must be out of my home do I use my plate and my favourite spoon again.....Pffff! Pffff!! More and more spray of the pesticides. The devil will have no more entrance into my life and my home. I will keep resisting him.

    1. Yes, we will keep resisting him, using the best of heavenly sprays to keep him


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