Never Forget...

You are special

You are amazing

You are wonderfully made

GOD invested so much in you; so that you can wow your world as you showcase His beauty, wisdom, and glory.


There is nothing wrong with you! 

Even when you can’t do somethings as swiftly as others can.

If you observe, you’ll realize that you have your own strengths too. 

Not everyone can do the things you  do, so stop belittling yourself.

While you should decide to learn and improve yourself in other areas where you seem less talented, don’t lose focus of what you are good at

Like the lion, be the King of your jungle💪


There is nothing wrong with you when you don’t have the things that others have

Give it time!💣

Everyone’s timing is different

And remember to enjoy the good in the present😀


Lastly, never let the devil get you to the point where you doubt GOD’s faithfulness.

The fact that you have the ability to ponder on GOD's blessings is still a testament to His faithfulness.

It takes a sound mind to reason things out😃


Like I said, you are special and you are amazing.

You are unique, a one  of a kind masterpiece👍

Step up and ensure you are the best version of YOU He created, always 


May the month of June bring you so much peace, joy and laughter😎




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