Go for it!

I recall the borehole known as the far borehole back at my secondary school. It was called the far borehole because it was located a good distance away from the hostel. The first time I went to the borehole, it felt like I was traveling. But the gravity of the distance hit me when I was heading back with a bucket-full of water. Why? Majorly because when I was heading to the boarding house, my mum got me a unique bucket. It was a really larggggge bucket…and very heavy. So heading back to the hostel with the bucket-full of water was war😂😂😂. But the good thing about boarding houses is that your bucket is never yours, so it saved my head😂

One other annoying thing about the borehole was the everlasting queue. You had to queue and wait until the seniors were done getting water before you could get yours. The waiting was endless sometimes, and the sun didn’t help either. However, the good part is that eventually you get clean drinking water. Only on few occasions do I recall going back to the hostel with an empty bucket.

Things to remember about the Far Borehole, the distance was killing; the waiting was endless; the sun was scorching…. but the water was good.

Reminder: Nothing good comes easy

To get gold, you have to dig deep into the earth

Good things often take time to materialize, and also demand more time and effort.

If you do not want to settle for what you can easily find around, it is best to push yourself, go the extra mile and reach for the stars.


The things we desire will not fall on our laps, we have to go for them. To get good water, we had to trek a distance, despising the scorching sun and the number of seniors at the borehole trying to get water. It seemed all so laborious, however; we knew what we wanted, safe and clean water.

                                        Do you know what you want?

Plan, strategize and remember, sometimes it might take a while to materialize

Nevertheless, Go for it!!!

May July, be better than you have imagined😀



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