Grateful for 2021


2021 was different, I grew in vital areas of life. I am glad for growth and progress😎

The first half of the year was awesome, the staggered shift at work made it more awesome😂

Strangely, I did not travel, my farthest journey was to Gwags, however, I plan to do more traveling as the days go by, and if possible japa💨. But first I need to keep my promise to iya ibeji and Ninma before I am disowned or de-friended😍

I must say, I went from victory to victory, meaning the enemy showed up lots (I can’t wait for him to be thrown into the bottomless pit💣) but because the blood and the name agrees, I prevailed and triumphed as compared to previous years. This part of my life will be shared eventually, in a book most likely when the time is right. I am grateful for life; grateful to Olorun to laye mi; oba adake dajo for all the victories so far. Indeed I serve a GOD who is powerful💪.

I had a lot of high points this past year, I will mention just 3 that got me teary😭; first was when my friends from Yspot Crew, the office & HCC Abuja shocked me with a phone some days to my birthday to make up for my stolen phone. I hardly cry, but that day I cried at the gesture and the extent to which they went; their gift was timely and took a burden off me. Kisses and Hugs💙

Second was when Tosin called me out of the blues early in the month of December. He called to tell me these three words; don’t give up. We scarcely talk but over the years, for every application I make, his name appears as my referee, and he usually gets a mail from the schools I applied to, and often he responds even without me reaching out. But this year, I no even send any school, I diverted my attention to webinars and other relevant workshops since school no gree come. His mail box was free since no school contacted him this year so he called to encourage me. It meant a whole lot💜

The third was the day Teanu came to visit. As a result of bla bla bla, I had a talk with AJS few years ago, and he made me understand the reason for bla bla bla was because of my prophetic destiny. Well, this year the bla bla bla was so unbearable, it happened even in the day time, and I told GOD if I wasn’t going to fulfil this destiny in peace, toh Ka ma lo le (let’s come and be going home). Not that I meant it sha, but I was tired. Weeks later, Teanu comes visiting cos the Holy Spirit kept prompting her to check on me. As we talked, I shared the story about bla bla bla with her, she went mad and began spitting fire for a while. You see that encounter was both renewing and re-freshening, it was exactly what I needed💝; a reminder that as soldiers of Christ, we keep fighting till we win and walk in the victory that Christ has made ours.

I am totally grateful for these 3 highpoints and for many others, and totally grateful for the year 2021; for answered prayers, for prayers yet to be answered, for opened doors, and for shut doors; I am deeply grateful.

Thanks to everyone who made 2021 beautiful, and to GOD I say Osuba re ma re o🙏

And to all our faithful followers on this blog, thank you!!!

By His Grace, 2022 shall be Wonder-full

Happy New Year people!









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