This too shall pass

Hello People!

How was January? I am guessing it was better than you imagined😃 and if it wasn't, I believe that the month of February will be sweet and remarkable for you.

So, over the next few months, I am going to be sharing true life stories of some dear friends. I truly pray that their stories inspire you and stirs your faith to believe, even in contradicting times and seasons. If you will like to share your story so others can grow, learn and be inspired, we will be glad to post your story. You never know how many lives will be transformed by reading it.

Okay, so here we go...

Hilda's story

Life got so hard that I thought we were going to be swallowed up. Everything looked like we were just spiraling downwards....we moved back from abroad to Nigeria, moved from a two bedroom flat to a one bedroom flat, and at a point we began selling our properties; we sold our TV stand and our center table.  In fact, we had earlier sold a part of our sofas, the three - seater because it could not fit into the one bedroom apartment.


    Sometimes, just like in the autumn season when leaves fall off trees, GOD allows us to go through seasons where we are stripped of things we treasure & love


The one that got my heart broken 💔and it hit me the most was the day I got back from work with my daughter and discovered that the remaining sofas, the dining table and chairs were gone. The sitting room was empty, bare and just plain. We would speak and hear the echoes of our voices...oh how my heart bled. Worse was when my daughter asked me what happened to everything we had. 


The door way to a child's innocence and inquisitiveness is always opened, hence the spill out questions irrespective of your mood, the time and the location.

Well, as for me, my mothers eye gestures showed me how to close that door, especially when we went visiting😂

..lets get back to Hilda's story


How was I to explain to our seven year old child that times were hard and we just had to keep our heads above the waters. Tears welled up in my eyes but I toughened up so my daughter wouldn't see me break down.  I answered her in the best way I could. I told her that the furniture had gone out so that better and more beautiful ones could come in.  

What we have within us is revealed in times of difficulties

 GOD will test you to see what you are made of. However, even in that situation, He provides you the needed strength from which you can  draw from


Christmas came and I worried how we will receive visitors,  where were they to seat?  I later learnt not to bother myself but rather enjoy the moments. When some people actually visited, we sat on the mat and used the small plastic table and the chair we had left... we played games, ate, drank, laughed and rejoiced.  I can't come and kill myself. 

Key lessons from the above paragraph:

- Enjoy the moments, worry cannot and will never change anything. Rather than let worry rob you of the present, be joyful and grateful.

- If you spend time thinking and considering what others may say or think, you will grow old sooner than expected😂

- Find reliable friends who will be with you in your high and low seasons. Stick with them and be grateful for such blessings that money cannot buy.


Things are not so perfect yet, but I know this too will pass and my story is going to change. Life is truly in phases and men in sizes; whatever phase you might be in, have it at the back of your mind, that it will soon pass. 


...and there we have it. I hope you were inspired. Whatever you might be going through now, is all a part of HIS-story. Volumes have been written about you, you can be sure, GOD is about to flip to the next chapter of your life, and everything you've been through will make sense to you.



  1. Indeed. Only those who refused to quit during their seemingly-endless trying times would be granted the satisfaction of a higher understanding of life. Thank you for the inspiring piece.

  2. Examplary And inspiring story

  3. Replies
    1. Dear Bella, we are delighted to have your feedback. Much love!

  4. Hmmmmmm. This is inspiring. Just breathe. Exhale and keep exhaling. This too shall pass. Thanks for sharing.


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