While waiting…



How was the month of February Fam?😎

No matter how it was, we are grateful to GOD. That we are here today, alive and well, with a sound mind and an ever caring family and loved ones in our lives, we have GOD to thank👏

I am sharing a personal experience today… smiles😊

I walked to the check-in officer to check in, and she asked for all my documents. I gave her all, and she paused and asked for my permit to travel to Nigeria. In mind I was like… are you joking? Why would I need a permit to travel to my country, like why na? She kept talking and gave me the link to get the permit. I found a place to seat and did the needful. While doing that, I thanked GOD the driver picked me up earlier than planned.


Thanksgiving is the key to life. Always find reasons to be thankful in every situation. No matter how bad and dark things look, there will always be a reason to be thankful, and you realize that as you give thanks, your spirit man is strengthened. If you spend time to think, you will see why you should be thankful.

My dad always told us 4 things: Never grumble, Never Murmur, Never Complain, Always be thankful


Back to the story…

I walked back to the check-in officer, and showed her the document she had requested for, and the other documents as well. The permit to travel was certified perfect but then from the corner of my ears, I heard her say; ‘Your COVID test has expired therefore you cannot travel today’. I looked at her, and she said if my flight had been few hours earlier, it would still have been valid. I stood still for a while, asking GOD what was up, while my anger meter😡 was gradually rising but then, a thought crossed my mind, “maybe you are not supposed to travel today” Kpakam! (In Homty’s voice) the brewing anger dissipated, I just calmed down kia kia (quickly) and began making other arrangements. I have learned over time not to forcefully push for things to happen when it was obvious GOD was up to something. I was not going to wait for the check-in officer to come up with a third reason. It was clear, I refused to be Balaam, this donkey had said enough...😅


When your plans are not going as expected, and you have a witness in your heart that GOD is at work, do not struggle, just park one side and allow GOD to have His way.

Why? Majorly because our knowledge of the future is limited, but GOD is OMNISCIENT. You do not know what might happen a minute from now or even tomorrow, but HE does. It’s best to trust HIM.


I was grateful for the wait. I took this picture during the wait….the picture is a reminder of so many things; one of which is that, no matter what, no matter where, and no matter how long the wait is, I am determined to be GREEN; to be fruitful, to flourish, and remain ever fresh. This way, my fragrance and influence attracts the right people, keeps and sustains those GOD has blessed me with, and I remain a breath of fresh air daily.

I pray you remain ever-green, no matter what life brings your way.

May the works of your hands prosper and flourish in March


Remain Green!





  1. This is profound and inspiring

    1. Glory to GOD! Thank you for the feedback dear SM

  2. Oh this is a very beautiful and inspiring story Tee! God works all things together for our good.We consistently remain green no matter our realities 💕

    1. Yes!!! Green we will remain no matter the realities...Amen

  3. I love this ! Thank you for reminding me to always be thankful, and to trust in the one who knows the future!!. Happy new month sisteh!😉😉

    1. Awww I am so delighted that you were blessed. Happy New Month to you too sistehh. May the month be remarkable for you!


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