The Simple Things of Life Matter


Greetings Fam!

How are we all doing? How was the month of August; the birth month of Queens like us….lol

August was beautiful and busy-full. I felt like hiding away at some point but I remain the child of my father coupled with the fact that I work, walk and pray with people who are like him; individuals driven with the desire to attain heights and accomplish great feats. However, I pray September is filled with days of ease that will allow me wax in sweet hours of pure laziness so I can catch up on courses and recoup lost weight..😁

Today, I write about a family I have adopted as my tool of gratitude;

I walked to the balcony as usual to bask in the warm rays of the sun, to drink in the beauty of the blue sky and to feel the gentle breeze across my face. As I looked down the balcony, I noticed the family in the next compound; few of the kids were on the farm working, while the others sat by their thatched house watching their mum prepare breakfast. I looked closely to see what the breakfast was. I was shocked to see what they had on fire; corn. They were set to have roasted corn for breakfast. I paused; unlike Kyute and Teanu, roasted corn is not on the top 10 things I like to eat, so this hit me somewhere.

While I was concerned that this family might be in need of assistance, my colleague opened my eyes to major things I was overlooking. First, this family had a large expanse of corn farm on the land they were occupying (I used that word cos this family belong to a group of people I have come to know that occupy places without fear or permission from  the house or land All they needed to do, was walk into the farm to pluck the corn meaning that they were eating free and freshly plucked corn; and getting the best of the nutrients.


I am sure God expects us to have this kind of audacity when fulfilling the mandate He has given us to occupy before He returns. How are you occupying?

Back to the story:

Secondly, somewhere around the corner, I could see some sheep tied to a post; meaning they had access to fresh milk and meat. Not to forget, manure for their farm.

Thirdly, they had each other, bonding as they watched the corn get roasted.

While I am deeply grateful for the early morning bread and egg, pap and akara (bean cake) etc that I had as breakfast while growing, the countless blessings I have enjoyed from then till date, as I step onto the balcony daily, I am reminded that the simple things of life still matter; the laughter shared with friends, watching the sunrise, dancing or running in the rain, getting a task done, the ability to think, the screams from kids playing, walking through a garden... Daily, I look around smiling and thanking God for the simple, beautiful and free things I have been giving access to, so I don’t lose a grip on them.

I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. Philippians 4:13-14

I pray September brings you all that you desire.







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