The story of Adira (1)

Hello Fam!

I hope we are all good? September went by swiftly, and I am grateful for God’s daily mercy and blessings. Today’s post is a book I began writing years back; I will be sharing the first chapter for your review and comments. I am hoping that as you read and drop your comments, I will be gingered to quickly finish it The book is titled ADIRA. 

I hope you have a good read.


"Daddy please, tell me the story again", I pleaded.

He laughed and lifted me onto his laps. "Alright Adira, I will".

Daddy was the best story teller I knew, and I always loved to see his expression and gestures whenever he retold the story about my birth. It was like he was re-living that moment again.

Just as he was about to start, Red rushed in through his dog hole and began hopping left and right excitedly.

"Not now Red" I said trying to shove him away but it refused. I looked around in search of something to throw but found none. I pushed myself off Dad's laps and ran into the kitchen to find any leftovers to give to Red, so it could let me be. Sure enough, I found one, turned it into his meal plate and off I went, while Red wagged its tail excitedly as it ate. Gladly, dad was still where I had left him.

"Let's hear it dad"

"Okay, my sweet damsel" 

...On that fateful night, I kept pacing up and down in front of our little home, wondering what was causing the delay. I peeped through the window once again; I could see your mum was still in pains, and you my little angel was still not out. I decided to sit on the porch and watch the night clouds. My, you should have seen the stars that night, they were shining differently with utmost brilliance. “This child must be a special one” I thought to himself. Taking my gaze off the night sky, I looked around lost in thought, wondering if it was going to be a boy or girl. Suddenly I heard your mum whimper, I was on my feet within seconds and I rushed into the house almost knocking the midwife down as I approached the door. I nodded in apology and went straight into the bedroom. The midwife whispered as I ran past her, "it's a girl". I walked in excitedly; relieved to see that both of you were okay despite the complications, and the many hours of labour. I lifted you up and with a smile plastered in my face, I turned to your mum then back at you with a loving gaze and said "you my daughter are a strong one and you shall be called ADIRA,

I quickly chipped in "the noble and powerful woman"

"Yes Adira, "the noble and powerful woman" He said smiling.

"Yaaaayyyy, thank you dad" I gave him a big hug

Alright Adira, let me get to the farm to see what is happening there. But before then I will check on your mum. Please make sure you keep an eye on her while I'm gone.

"I will daddy" I said and ran out in search of Red.


Adira, where are you? I heard mum calling out faintly from her room

Hearing mums call, I quickly ran to her. She was getting weaker by the day and the herbs seemed not to be helping her.

"Here I am mum", I said.

She motioned to me to come closer, which I did but as I lowered myself beside her and looked at her, I realized her condition seemed to have worsened overnight. My heart broke, mum was all chubby before this illness appeared. Now she had depreciated and her cheek bones were all so glaring. 

Where was the midwife, and the village Doctor? None of them had shown up today to tend to mama and it was almost noon. A gentle stroke on my cheek brought me out of my thoughts. As I looked at her, I struggled to hold back the tears from breaking free from my eyes.

"Don't be so worried my little angel, I will be fine" She said undoubtedly

*Mummy, how can you be so sure?" I said amidst tears

She smiled and said "because help will soon be here"


"Yes darling, help is on the way" she said

"Are you talking about Yarema the Priest, or Noe, the Village Doctor? Ooh, or is it your friend Nadia, the Mid-wife?"

She tried to push herself up, but her strength failed her. So she laid back and tried to explain. "In my sleep last night, I AM showed me in a dream, that a white man will come and he will have the cure to what ails me".

"A white man?" I repeated after her

"Yes, a white man"

I smiled back in confusion but if mum has said help was coming, I believed her. Despite her situation, I always still saw her mouth moving; always praying to the unseen GOD. Mum and Dad, always talked about I AM, they believed He was All Powerful and Able. I was learning all I could about I AM from both of them but I wondered why He was yet to heal her.

I was going to ask her about it when the curtain was suddenly pushed aside to reveal daddy and the Village Doctor. He walked briskly to her bedside, "Aviva”, he said smiling; the doctor is here with another herb mixture, he believes this will work this time". She looked up at both of them, smiled and said "no more herbs my dear, Nathan." I was about to leave when I heard her say, "I just told Adira before you came in that help will soon be here".

Daddy knelt down, took her hands in his and said "Aviva, you had the dream again?*

"Yes Nathan, and this time, it was all so real" The white man will soon be here, I can feel it.

"And so shall it be, Aviva, so shall it be!" daddy said with a smile on his face. be continued

I hope you had a good read😉😊

Here is wishing you a wonderful month ahead. Remember, God’s promises will always come to pass. I pray that all He has shown you in secret will come to manifestation in the days ahead. 




  1. Thank you, thank you my dear Kiki❣️

  2. Oh yeah, I had a good read. Lovely beginning my dear...the names and characters are already interesting...the suspense is building. Well done 👏

    1. It is so good to hear this. Thank you Yemmy!!!

  3. Captivating read so far ...can't wait to see how this turns out.

    1. Priya...thank you for the feedback dear.


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