Moments with Grace 12 - Be sober and vigilant!

"Hello everyone!

How did April treat you? Today marks Grace's final post with us. We're really going to miss her. Thank you, Grace, for consistently sharing timely and insightful posts over the past 12 months. May you reap the rewards of the seeds you've sown. Amen!"
Grace, we eagerly anticipate your return to the blog.


This is the 12th part series of these write ups and the last one on “Moments with Grace”. As I round up, I would like to remind us of the need to stay alert in the Spirit in this perverse generation.
1 Thessalonians 5:6 says: “So be on your guard, not asleep like the others. Stay alert and be clearheaded.“
‭Nowadays, a lot of things try to get our attention thereby pulling us off our focus on our dear Saviour Jesus Christ. However we must always remember Jesus our promised Messiah came in the flesh, died and resurrected, presently seats at the right hand of the throne of God the Father Almighty and is soon coming back again to take us home.( Mark 16:19)

”For you know quite well that the day of the Lord’s return will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night. When people are saying, “Everything is peaceful and secure,” then disaster will fall on them as suddenly as a pregnant woman’s labor pains begin. And there will be no escape. But you aren’t in the dark about these things, dear brothers and sisters, and you won’t be surprised when the day of the Lord comes like a thief. For you are all children of the light and of the day; we don’t belong to darkness and night. So be on your guard, not asleep like the others. Stay alert and be clearheaded. Night is the time when people sleep and drinkers get drunk. But let us who live in the light be clearheaded, protected by the armor of faith and love, and wearing as our helmet the confidence of our salvation. For God chose to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour out his anger on us. Christ died for us so that, whether we are dead or alive when he returns, we can live with him forever. So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.“(‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭2‬-‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

Please remember to revere God and always look upon his glory and majesty, delight in the fear of the Lord, Be strong and courageous through every circumstance (Joshua 1:9) and keep serving the Lord  (1 Peter 4:7-10)

The Lord continue to bless and keep you🙌 God’s love and blessings!

"Wishing you all a fantastic May ahead! Let's make it amazing, everyone!" Yspot!


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