Light bearers


I walked into my class to set things in place for the 4-year-olds as they arrived. I love getting to the class ahead of them so I can give them a warm welcome hug. As the class began, we sang and danced to praise and worship songs the children had chosen. Their faces usually light up when you ask them to suggest a song to sing.


A particular child comes to mind; let’s call her “Kate.” Kate always suggests the same song whenever she’s called upon. I smile every time I hear her say, “Jesus loves me, this I know.” Immediately she says it, the whole class joins in enthusiastically. The next most popular song in the class is “Hail my Jesus ebube…” I look forward to being in class because, as little and innocent as these kids are, they say things that remind me of the simplicity of the gospel and life.

Back to the story—

After the praise and worship, and the confession on that fateful Sunday, we moved on to the lesson for the day, which was about the need to shine our light. Building on the previous class, I reminded them that they were light, and God needs to shine through them. Using different materials—wood, paper, and glass—we tried to shine light through them to make it clearer that, like glass, we need to let God’s light shine through.

So, I said, "Kids, just like those surfaces, we are not wood..." Immediately, I heard Michael shout, “We are not wood in Jesus Name.” I paused and laughed for a while; I could just picture his mum giving that kind of response in his presence.

Kids soak in what they see and hear

He said it so emphatically, reminding me of how we respond when someone asks if you are the last in line, and you respond, "I am not the last in Jesus' name." Michael’s response took me by surprise. So, I rephrased and said, "We are not like the wood, but rather like the glass, we let the light of God shine through us."

This is just a gentle reminder that we are not like wood, but like glass. We need to shine the light of God, no matter how dark it gets. Let God be seen through us and point others to Him.

That’s all from us. Have a beautiful month ahead. May each day be loaded with grace & favour.

Shine, shine, and keep on shining!



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