Clearing out my wallet


July is Over!

Now, we look forward to Abba ushering us into the best of all months.

Just a quick story from me today....

I walked and kept walking, eagerly waiting to see their car approaching. Whose car, you might wonder?

Alright, let's back up a little bit 😃

On this particular day, my uncle (just hypothetically), my neighbor, my... well, someone needed extra cash. This was about seven years ago. They needed cash, and all I had was just enough to get me to work later in the day since I was on the afternoon shift. They promised they would be back an hour before I had to leave for work, so I lent them the money.

Fast forward to one hour before my shift...

I saw no sign of them, nor did I hear the sound of their car. Well, over time, I had come to learn that faith never sits waiting—faith moves, faith does something. So, I took my bath, got dressed, picked up my bag (with an empty wallet), and started walking. I walked quite a distance, singing and praising as I went.

Pause: I remember one day when we were growing up, I was in the kitchen singing happily. Then I heard my dad's footsteps approaching, and before he shut the door, he said, "I hope this isn't how you disturb people at school." We looked at each other and laughed.

So during his burial service, I sang a song, just so he knows we kept on praising as he would have wanted. Nothing is going to shut us up... Sleep on, Dad.

Back to the story...

As I approached one of the bends along the road, I spotted their car and began to smile. There is a unique joy when you trust God to show up, and He does.

When they got to where I was, the first question they asked was, "What if something happened and we had to stay in town much longer?"

I smiled and said, "God would have provided a second option."

Over time, I have seen God come through in ways I never expected, and I decided I wouldn't stand in His way by holding on to the known and usual options of how I think He would get things done for me.


The multi-breasted One has more than a million ways of answering your prayers or meeting your needs. Don't limit HIM; just step aside and let HIM surprise you, because you could never have imagined how He would do it. His ways aren't our ways.

As we step into the month of August, let go of your preconceived options or ways. Let God lead you, listen for His instructions, and move when you need to. Faith doesn't remain still; it works things out.

Cheers to a wonderful month of mouth-opening surprises.



  1. Oh yeah. Faith doesn't remain still. It works things out.

  2. Such a blessed message! Our beloved Heavenly Father has more than a million ways of answering our prayers all he desires to see is our faith in action. God’s blessings Tope!🙏

    1. Amen! Thank you dear. God bless you too.


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