Nigeria My Beloved Country!

Nigeria, my beloved country
Walking together is the key
Nigeria, my beloved country
………… fill up the blank spaces *wink*
The last line seems hazy in my mind.

Then there was this other one…."Nigeria we hail thee, a land…….."lol…that’s all I can remember. I’m sure you can recall songs like this.

These songs kind of made me believe that as I grew up, Nigeria also, was meant to grow. Well I grew up but she didn’t; not her fault though.

I love my country and I’m glad I’m a Nigerian. Even if things aren’t at their best right now, I believe there is great good ahead. We are blessed as a nation, that’s true and with time it will be evident to all. But we've got our roles to play in order to get there and playing these roles would totally depend on how we view her (Nigeria).

You could look at her like a child who was brought forth safely but desperately struggling to survive. Why? ‘cos while in the womb, all the nutrients needed for its formation weren’t supplied'. So the problem she experiences today resulted from the deficiencies that existed at her development. How do you help such? Would you abandon her and let her be trodden upon or would you ensure she gets the right supplements to make up for what she missed in her development?

What if we likened her, to a child who was lost and trying so desperately to find her way home but all her efforts to make it home seems unproductive? Why? ‘Because she keeps taking the wrong route'. How do we help her, then? Would we ignore her or do all we can to ensure she is re-united with her parents?

Ok, let’s imagine she, was a friend. One who was raped at a tender age; lost her pride and dignity as a result; feeling all battered with her self-esteem reading -100%? Having experienced an unusual height of corruption, self-destructing tendencies and indiscipline from her fellow citizens, she's left with the dilemma of whom to trust... Sincerely, I ask you: How would you help her? Would you hurl insults and words at her like every other person has done or would you look for ways to clean her up from the inside; giving her hope and reasons to believe in herself?  Would you overlook her errors, pain and confused look and see the value inherent in her; such that you'd be there with her through it all until she gradually becomes beautiful again?

Now to the crux of the matter! What if she, was you? Selah! Imagine you were Nigeria...even your very own, hurls insults at you; they treat you without regard; they misuse the good resources you have; they don’t see the need to clean you up or make you better. Rather, they leave for places better and greener pastures.

Like a body recuperating, you are trying so hard to heal up and rebuild cells knocked down by their carelessness but no matter how hard you try to heal up and build up your walls, they just keep doing things that tear you apart, weakening your resolve and thus preventing you from standing tall and attaining that height which would make you a wonder; commanding attention from nations.

Hmmmmm……! You only feel the hurt when you wear the shoes of the wounded. Nigeria could be any of the above; one thing is common to all instances mentioned; they need help. In truth, Nigeria does need help. The help might not come in all at once but we can dish it out little by little and given time, she would find her way.


Nigeria has potentials, we can’t deny that. All she needs is help. Help from her citizens; you and I and I would like to say "help from GOD", but God has already placed the wisdom of how to go about rendering such help into each individual; we only need to tap into our inner self, draw the strength and patience to lift her up and patiently watch her grow into that which she was originally called to be...!



  1. Nice concept... I like the part of likening Nigeria to our very person.... We wud c in camera for d rest.

  2. Thank you the feed back sire! My ears are itching to hear the rest o!.

  3. I am just reading this....have been off internet for the past two know how it is with me sometimes...:-D
    I love this piece...i am mostly captured by how simply the truth is placed...very simple words, very easy and smooth read and the illustrations used are also what everyone can relate to...this is really really good...and true...Lots of take home message...I won't be greedy and enjoy this alone...I am sharing it...this conscientization movement is what I have always believe to be the first and most crucial step in our recovery and healing as a nation...Thanks Toks for sharing this...

  4. Zeal thank you!I read your comment and I was like actually got to me and I really do appreciate you for sharing it. God bless you Zeal.


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