Happy Children's Day!!!!

Dad and mum, from the way you take care of me I have seen that you understand I have a destiny to fulfill. So I want to thank you for raising me as a model, for making me stand out among my peers and thank you for not sparing the rod but rather empowering me with all you've got.

Truth be said
I can be annoying and so naughty sometimes
And so good at messing things up, pulling things down and throwing vital things away or pouring water on them *smiles*
Sometimes in my bid to help you and to show you I love you, I end up creating a scene, like me writing I love you on dads new car or mummy’s new hand bag with a pen. It's not because I just started using a pen, no! It’s for you to know I love you and also to prevent anything from coming in between you and me, neither daddy’s car nor mummy’s bag.

I know all the funny things I do but all these are a gradual process of me getting to know who I am. So I ask you not to give up on me. Gradually & steadily all the pieces will fit in together and I will become me.

My God loves me and I matter to him, that's why he gave me as a gift to you, you only give as gifts things that are of worth. It’s not a mistake that I belong to you dad and mum.

I am Gods given heritage to you that should be invested in.  An Investment that will definitely profit you in the long run so please treat me better than you do your other investments; do not spare the rod I plead.

I realize when GOD says 'you are the light of the world', he wasn't talking to adults only but also to me and my fellow kids out there. So we are also here to light up the world. Don’t be-little us rather help us find the path through which we are to shine the light. We are never too little to learn.

Remember John 6:9? The little boy rescued over 5000 with his 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes. I can't help but wonder where his parents were? God uses us too, you know. Don’t look down on us.

Now to the children- let's take our stage and do what GOD has attached to our names! We might be little but we can make a difference.

And to our parents we say thank you. We couldn't have come this far without your investments in us! Come on and let’s celebrate our parents! They did a good job with us, I must confess…Thanks dad and mum.
Happy Children’s day!!!!!!

Alright let’s celebrate every child out there; they represent our tomorrow and our future, individuals who will carry on from where God permits you and I to stop. As one of my Pastors said yesterday, they are purpose wrapped in flesh running around on tiny feet’s for the time being……very true. They are also here to fulfill a purpose, to answer a question and to proffer solutions.

I heard of a little girl who wrote to God. She wrote:
 Dear Lord,
 I have heard of all the good things you do from my Sunday school teachers but I want to ask you a question, who does all these when you go on vacation?

During the past week I asked children I met who God was. I wanted to capture their views and understanding on whom God is. I will be posting their responses later this week.
Yeah and to my unborn children, I celebrate you also! To you I say, you shall rule and possess the gates of your enemies and when sinners entice you, you shall not consent. Each of you shall be a force to be reckoned with; a blessing to your generation.

 *hugs and Kisses from me your mum*.


  1. Great compilation. Kudos!

  2. Thank you Princekennedy.I appreciate the feedback.
    I will check your site out.


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