Reflection 2- Myself and I

What was the relationship with myself like?
Hmmm…let me give you some minutes to think about that…..*smiles*
Did I enjoy being me or I lived each day trying to be someone else ‘cos I was wallowing in the streams of self-comparison.

Did I talk to myself?
Well the only person who knows the truth about you better than others is you, that’s aside your maker. The need for “me to speak to me” and the need for “you to speak to you” is vital and if you don’t say the truth to yourself, you might as well remain in deception. Sometimes the best person to straighten you out is you.

Did I spend time with me?
What new things did you find out about yourself this year? To get to know someone better you have to spend time with that person.
Did I take care of myself as I should have, did I do away with unnecessary luggage, did I eat the right things, was I there for me or I was too busy to notice me and my needs.

Was I able to achieve my set goals or did I just step into 2013 without setting goals for the year? The best way to go no-where is to be goalless.

What steps did I take towards being a better me? What skills did I discover I needed to learn?  Upgrading and improvement is vital but...

What was the motive behind my self –improvement?
Self-improvement has been the order of the day; 10 tips to being a better you, How to become a better you…. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against self-improvement. It’s something I ensure I do constantly.
I just want to ask; Did I seek self-improvement just so I can be better? So what if am better and my impact wasn't felt or evident.

I shouldn't seek self-improvement just for myself alone but rather seek self-improvement to better serve others, my families, friends and my workplace. Why? Because it’s incredible to watch lives become better and beautiful by your influence.

To be a better person, you need to spend time with yourself....a constant appraisal must not be overlooked.



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