Version 2014 of Me.....

……and so the year 2013 ends today…gbam! No be news abi? True talk, its stale news that the year ends today; that’s for countries like mine that are yet to cross over into the New Year.

So I asked myself what actually makes the year “new”?

Is it the change in calendar or the cross over services held around the World or could it to be the screams at 12 am, the calls and text messages from loved ones?

Yeah! Those are the sight and sounds that signify and herald a New Year. But there’s more. I believe I have a role to play in making the New Year a New one indeed. I have to be prepared for the coming year as I say goodbye to 2013.

By now the version 2014 of me should be loading ready to be activated by midnight. I should have deleted all unnecessary craps and weights; installed fresh plans and programmes for 2014.

The same old me doing the same things the same old way I have always done them won’t work. Out dated versions of soft wares do not function properly and that’s why we get them updated.

Get yourself updated before you step into 2014. Get the updates for the software that will help you plan to do things differently and better, update the softwares that will help you go the extra mile, softwares for forgiving if you need to, those for forgetting the past, deleting hurts, loving better, choosing excellence above mediocrity, aiming higher and whole lots of great softwares.

These updates are available in the Holy Book, and books written by Great men and even from friends.

Don’t step into 2014 with an old version of you, download all the updates necessary and step into the New Year refreshed and ready to sprint through every minute of the year.

With all updates in place, I smile into 2014. I look forward to being a better me. I know you are ready too.

Alright Get Set, lets run with all we’ve got and make Daddy proud…..smiles.

Thanks to all our followers and all those who stop by once in a while. We celebrate you all.

Lots of love


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