Seeing God in the storm

Meet Ingrate So-Ungrateful

First name- Ingrate
Surname- So-Ungrateful
Sex- Your choice (He or She or he-she)
Religion - I forgot to ask *wink*
Health status- Very Healthy

The previous night:
Sad and sulking, ingrate went to bed; bitterly angry at God.
Why? Things weren't looking as good as he desired.

Yet God gave him "Ingrate" His beloved sleep. He didn't have to toss here and there, before falling asleep but he didn't see that as anything.

Pause and think
No matter how angry we are at God for how situations look, He doesn't withhold His love from us. He doesn't deny us His blessings. He just keeps loving us all the way.

The alarm rings....
But ingrate slaps it to silence and sleeps back. 

30 minutes later
He springs out of bed suddenly, checks the time and dashes to into the bathroom. Hissing as he sees the alarm; I wonder why the alarm didn't ring he thought to himself. (If you have had such experience with an alarm clock, let me hear you say "Yes oh". Ashey we plenty sef).

Pause and think
So who woke ingrate up? God never leaves us to ourselves. He's always there to help us at the right time. Think back, such moments when the alarm rings and you didn't hear it ring, you still woke up before work time. God is always at work even in those unseemingly tiny details of our lives.

An hour later
He dresses up and picks up his keys. As he drives to work, the negative thoughts come at him from all sides, running  and jumping happily as they swirl through the gates of ingrates unguarded heart; ready to weaken whatever resolve he had left.

Why is all these happening? Why can't I get a promotion at work? Why is my progress being delayed? I'm sure someone is responsible for all  this. What's the essence of living sef?

Pause and think
That you don't have all you desire at the moment, doesn't mean God is unfaithful or unaware. God's No and God's WAIT is not rejection but re-direction (Rev Eboda). At the right time things will take shape, whether someone is responsible or not. Funny enough the person responsible might just be you and me.

So ingrate wants a promotion, kindly ask him, when last he met the target set for him by his boss? Is ingrate a team player? What exactly does he do or has he done, that has distinguished him at his place of work? What's his attitude like to his colleagues, boss and even the cleaner at work? Has he broken and set new records? You have to be strategic or else...

Looking at the road ahead;
Why is there always hold up on this Akobo road sef? Can't we just move freely in this country of ours?

Pause and think
Simple truth, there are many ways to avoid hold ups, especially if you have noticed it's a constant occurrence; get out of bed early.

Ingrate should be grateful that he was only heading straight to work. What if he had to drop the kids at school and wife at work before heading to his office? 

Sincerely if we look closely at situations and think deeply, we will find many reasons to be grateful. It all depends on what we choose to focus on. You get to decide if a glass of water if half empty or half full. Selah! How you view and see things matters.

15 minutes later
A bike man drives carelessly towards him, nearly hitting his car. Ingrate hurls at him and looks at him from the rear-view mirror. Well he gets distracted as he sees himself in the mirror.

Look at me, my eyes are so big, my nose too close to my mouth and my ears always standing aloof as if it was glued there. Kai... I wish I could change my entire face. He then takes his eyes off the mirror and back to road. 

Pause and think
We are quick to forget the many things God has done, maybe we forget cos we don't count them as anything.

That bike could have hit ingrate's car and caused a damage not only to ingrate's car but to ingrate himself. I have seen what bikes can do. Thank God for safety.
Ingrate didn't even consider that. Instead he was engrossed in a disdainful and self-esteem destroying activity.

I'm sure we would like to change something about  ourselves. When I was much younger, I noticed I had a little open teeth (gap between the teeth), but I wanted it to be wider and obvious*smiles*, so I engaged in a tooth-pick widening gap tooth

We've all had our share of wanting to change something about the way we look. Hmmm.. God wasn't sleeping when He made us. He rested after He made everything. What you have and what he didn't add to you was intentional not a mistake. You are the best and always the latest model, the best edition and the best of all His species.

Did ingrate get to work? I'm sure he did... Smiles

Well that was just a reminder that God is always at work on your behalf cos you matter to Him. It hurts to be ignored and it’s quite painful when you are not appreciated for something you’ve done. God deserves more than our complaining, grumbling and murmuring. The more we think negatively, the more we attract the negative to ourselves. 

 As my pastor will say, gratitude is a way to show a man hasn’t lost his memory. Even when it seems you can’t see God, look for things in that situation for which you can give God praise.



  1. Hi Tope,

    It is really nice to see your blog. I pray for great grace for you.


  2. Hey dearie, thank you so much. how have you been dear?


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