When 2014 ends......

Its 2014!!! 

The days are gradually rolling out and soon we will be in February.

I was just saying to myself today, that life will be so different if we approached each new day with the same vigour with which we approached the beginning of a new year.

Take a minute and think about it…

You know what I mean na. There is this sudden zeal to be better and to do things differently. You are stirred and set on your feet to do all you can to ensure the New Year will be much better than the previous ones.

It’s like an enormous amount of faith and hope has been injected into you and as it flows carelessly through your veins you attack every task with speed and accuracy.

Like you’ve been set on fire and anything you come in contact with gets transformed at your touch. Just the way fire transforms a dry forest.

It’s like a…..Tope e don do oh…lol. 

Sorry I was carried away there. But you get the picture right?

Well I think we can give it a try. We just have to remember that each day adds up to make up a year. So all those resolutions and plans will sum up and materialize based on what we do per day.

Let’s take a mind-walk for some minutes….if you don’t mind; a little brain exercise. So right now I want you to imagine we are at the end of 2014 (Na walk we dey walka oh, no be real life) what can you see?

Can you see a better you, did you meet God’s expectations (We are not the only one who expects Him to get something done for us), where you there for your family and friends, did you acquire more skills or build capacity, did you build the house(s) you intended to build, did you save as much as you had planned, did you part with those negative habits, and so on…….?

If you can’t see it, then forgerit….wink… Excuse my English. Don’t worry my English will better by the end of 2014. I have see it…lol.

You need to picture what the end of 2014 would be like, so you can work towards attaining what you can see or have seen. Have that picture in mind at all times.

It’s like you having a picture of a particular meal on mind all day. You will do all you can and get all the necessary items to ensure you get the end result you desire. It will take you spending some time in the heat of the kitchen though. There is always a price to pay.

It’s going to be a great year and the end will be better than what you and I have pictured.

May you be sandwiched in a grace-filled, favour-coated and surprised-filled 2014.



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