Happy Moments

I attended this training over the weekend and we had a session where we were asked to close our eyes for some minutes.

We closed our eyes and there was silence at first.....

My mind started wondering what's up, biko oh... why are we closing our eyes...That was my physical security alarm wondering if it should start blaring but I calmed her down. She felt it was not a prayer meeting so why should we all close our eyes. I thanked her for the concern and told her to please shhhhh because I needed to concentrate.

Then the assignment was given!!!

Think about the happiest moment in your life that you would love to relive within the last 30 seconds of your life. Selah!

My oh my.....at that moment I knew why my eyes had to be closed. The thoughts came flying from everywhere, colliding and bumping into each other.

2 minutes passed and I was still there thinking.

4 minutes and I was still trying to figure out.

Well, I finally had to pick one of the many thoughts that actually didn't match up to what I would term the happiest moment I would love to relive again.

Anyway, it got me thinking....

So I passed the assignment over to people I met and they were also stuck.

You could also try it and see...If you happened to know the last 30seconds of your life what moment would you love to relive.

Funny enough, such thoughts might not just be what you would relive at the last 30 seconds of your life but can serve as an emotional booster or pain reliever or they can be the reason you want to keep living. There are happy moments you remember that keeps you going and makes you want to give life your best!!!


I decided to consciously work at creating happy moments for myself and others.



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