Happy Children's Day 2015!

Children are so amazing and so question-loving
Sometimes they ask you questions that leaves you stuck
You just stay put wondering how to answer them

Let me give some scenarios

Scene 1
Mummy and Hilda

Hilda: Mummy why is daddy short?
Mummy: God made him that way
Hilda: Why did GOD make him that way?

Mummy pauses and tries to think of an appropriate answer but as you know, Hilda will definitely have another "why" question waiting except mummy gives her an "I don't know" answer and carries on with what she was doing.

Scene 2
Judith: Mummy where is GOD
Mummy: Up in the sky, in Heaven
Judith: Mummy, how did He get there?

Mummy stares at the little creature in front of her as she tries to conjure the best answer possible.

Scene 3
David: Mummy who wrote this book?
Mummy: Jim Faraway
David: Who is he?
Mummy: He is a writer
David: What does he write
Mummy: Books my dear
David: Where does he get the books from

Now mummy is trying not to loose her patience.....

Scene 4- This was between myself and my niece

K: Aunty Tope, is true that Solomon Grundy was born on Monday and died on Friday?(I do hope that's the correct spelling)
Me: Yes dear, that's what the story says. It is just a story
K: But is it true that He was born on Monday and died on Friday?
Me: I'm like, it is just a story, someone made it up.
And she goes again,
K: But is it true?
Me:aaaarrrgggghhhh, it is just a story oh....but you can ask your teacher at school tomorrow.
And she says...
K: I asked her today and she said it is a story. But I just want know if he really died on Friday.

Me: I think we need to visit his grave side to confirm
And she laughs

Sometimes you hear, "Where is the wind coming from?" Etc
Their inquisitiveness is so amazing but that's the best way to learn


I celebrate you all
You are amazing, each one of you
Powerful seeds about to blossom and explode
To all my nieces, nephews, sweethearts of mine and to my very own unborn children, I love you plenty much!!!



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