Keep Shining!

No one knows your future better than GOD
And it is written in His Word
That your future is so glorious
The thought of it will leave you hilarious
So get serious
Your future is too bright
Don't allow anyone dim your light
You are destined to rise like a star
Not to hide beneath a jar
To keep shining
Never dimming
And Never waning
You are to glow in the dark
In order to restore back
Strength to those who are lost
No matter the cost
To change their story
All for GOD's glory

The devil will try to get you confused
That's a job he's used to
All you need to do is to remind him that your future is secured
In the same hands through which he was created
Even when things look hazy
Get prayer-crazy
Till the devil gets dizzy

Your victory is assured
Your future is secured
Keep shining the light
Let it be ever so bright
Until your race on earth is finished
And your duty completed
And when the trumpet sounds
Let your Father be proud
That He sent you to earth
And you remained His light
And not only did you shine
But you also made many others to shine

Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky. Philipians 2:15b (NIV)



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