GOD will never forget you

Certain times in life
It seems and feels like GOD has hidden Himself but nay, nah and no; the unseen GOD can never walk out on you
You are the apple of His eyes
You are engraved in His palms
He bears on His body scars
Scars that indicates His love for you
Tough as it may seem
Hard as it may appear
Cheer up
Keep smiling
Laugh as hard as you can through it all
Push as hard and as far as you can
Go the distance with Yaweh
And you will be so glad you did
Cos weeping endures only for a night
Joy is just along the way
The devil goes crazy when you hold on to GOD no matter what
He gets mesmerized when you fail to give up on GOD
Do all you can to focus on the Word so your faith can be stretched
Take your place in service
Position yourself in prayers
Bow in adoration
And throw those hands carelessly and ceaselessly in worship
Keep reminding yourself that your very present help will never forget you
He may have many dear children
But He will never forget you
And He will never forget to keep you
Because He loves you dearly



  1. Are this words for everybody or for some selected people. Is not working for me.

  2. They are for everybody. I pray that the love of GOD will overshadow you and take away all your hurts and pains. May His light dispel the lies and plots of the enemy. GOD loves you, and nothing and no one can change that. He will soothe your pain and restore all that you might have lost.


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