Celebrating Relationships

Relationships make life beautiful
They add colour to our world
They fill us with hope
They give us a reason to forge ahead

The laughter of a spouse
The silent smile of a lover
The tears of a little baby
The naughtiness of the toddler
The questions of the teenager
The crankiness of a hungry sibling
The concerns of a mother
The probing look of a father
The words of a mentor
The instructions of a boss
The support of a colleague
The weirdness of a neighbor
The giddiness and craziness of a friend
The snubbishness of an in-law
The childishness of a grandparent
The loud beckon of the market woman
The haughtiness of a security personnel
The disagreement between business partners
The harmony between co-singers
The patience of a team mate

If all these and so many others not listed above were missing in our lives, imagine what the world would look like.....relationships do matter!

No matter what it seems like sometimes
Truth be told, the other person adds color to your world!

Be thankful for everyone....from the gate man, to the cab man, to the gas station attendant, to the market woman, to your boss, your friends, siblings and parents.



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