Our True Identity

The first time I read Zechariah 8:13b, I read it in the KJV version but the day I stumbled on the the NLT translation, I was hyper-excited, it got me dancing. 

The NLT version reads:

Now I will rescue you and make you both a symbol and a source of blessing

The message translation says: From now on, you’re the good-news people.

Back to the NLT translation which says: I will rescue you and make YOU a symbol and source of BLESSING

.....Let us break it down from back to forward

- Symbol of the blessing
- Source of the blessing
- I will 
- Make you

Let's look at what it means to be a "Symbol of blessing"

First what is the Blessing? - GOD's provision and favour.

What is a symbol? - A mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object, function, or process, e.g. the letter or letters standing for a chemical element or a character in musical notation

When you hear, the symbol of the naira, what comes to mind? The naira sign N, the symbol of peace; a dove. Just think about the dollar, twitter, facebook etc, their symbols come to mind.

Now this verse says, I will make you a symbol of blessing....So when people hear the word blessing,
You and I should be the picture that comes to mind.

In Genesis....when Eliezer went in search of a wife for Isaac and had to introduce himself, he began by saying: 

“I am Abraham’s servant,” he explained. “And the Lord has greatly blessed my master; he has become a wealthy man. The Lord has given him flocks of sheep and goats, herds of cattle, a fortune in silver and gold, and many male and female servants and camels and donkeys. 

To Eleizer, Abraham was a symbol of Blessing. 


Okay moving forward, GOD went further to say, I will make you a source of the blessing. 

What is a source? - A place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtained.

What are the sources of water? Well, rain, boreholes, rivers etc. What this means is that when I go to the well or open the tap, I expect to get water. Meaning when people need the Blessing, they ought to come to you because you are a source and a channel of the Blessing.

Back to the verse...
Who is the source of the Blessing? You and I!

What happens when you go to the well to draw water and you find no water there? You get disappointed right? As a source, people will place demand on you because GOD has empowered you with THE BLESSING to change the world around you for Him. You are not to settle for average based on who GOD desires you to be. 

Thirdly, the verse says, I will
I will....the 'I' in the verse is GOD. We all know He speaks no idle word, He says what He means and means what He says. He is not a man that He should change His mind. So you can be certain that He will do as He has declared and promised.

Fourthly, the verse says, I will make you
The making process is not always easy. There will be times of uncertainties, pain and discouragement. GOD will take you through seasons, places and situations, all in the bid to make you fit for what He has in mind.

When we set out to make something, we don't settle until we've completed whatever it is, no seamstress will give you a half sewn dress and an artist will only put on display a work that he has completed
.....He who began a good work in you......GOD will not rest until you attain and become a symbol and a source of the blessing.

In a nutshell... who are you?
The symbol of the Blessing
The source of the Blessing

You represent the Blessing and through you others are to be blessed...As water quenches your thirst, you as a source of the Blessing should meet the needs of people in your sphere of influence.

Even if our current situation doesn't look like what GOD has declared about us at the moment, let's keep His Words always before us and watch as we all transform into the reality of the His Words.



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