Saying YES

I was the best at saying ‘No’ to things that seemed way bigger than me. You would always have a “Yes” from me, if it was something I considered I could do after, weighing and measuring it up against my strength, until I realized I was denying myself of the opportunity to grow.

Sometimes, saying NO is not wrong, but when I considered my reasons for saying NO which were:

-      Acting out of fear
-      Measuring those tasks against my strength
I was so wrong and to worsen it...those two things are known for putting GOD off.

The result:

-   I was not learning and therefore I plateaued

-   I had no idea what I was capable of doing because I kept doing the usual
-   I had no idea what GOD could do through me

A quick scenario....

Some years back, I stepped into my office and my coordinator motioned to me to come. When I got to his desk, he looked at me and said “You have been assigned to go make a presentation on our behalf at the bla bla bla of West African countries”

My first inclination was to say NO, a big NO, because:

I was just assigned to that team few weeks back; not even up to 3weeks and I was still trying to wrap my head around the terminologies and all that the programme entailed. So my head was still booting to the new assignment.

Secondly, I was expected to make a presentation before people who were vast in that field and not amateurs. If I was to present before people who had little or no idea about what I was saying, I could bobo-gist them with the little knowledge I had acquired since coming on board but that was not the case.

.....back to the story 

“When am I expected to make this presentation?”  I asked

And he replied “In 2-3 weeks time”

.....Pause please

When I was growing up, my mum used to warn me to stop opening my eyes completely cos of my eyeballs.... which I am so sure I got from She said it had a way of scaring people.

.....back to the story

As I stood before my coordinator, I totally forgot about my mum’s warning. I stared at him with my eyes completely opened in shock, as I tried to weigh the gravity of what had just hit me.

Yes, it was an answer to my prayers; declarations and confessions like:
-      The King is sending for me
-      I will stand before Kings and not mere men
-      The doors of cities and nations are opened to me
-      I am walking upon my high places
-      Good gravitates towards me suddenly
-      I am coming out of obscurity into limelight
-      My horn shall be exalted like that of a Unicorn

....but it hit me suddenly

#BeWarned# - *When you pray for “Suddenlys”, I tell you it will come; in ways that will most definitely shock you and it might take months for you to recover from the shock of what GOD can do in a twinkle of an eye*

As I walked back to my table, I was like Holy Spirit of are you doing?

I was assigned right, so this was not a case of saying a YES or a NO. But still, I had to weigh it against some major factors like; the guidance of the Holy Spirit, words of counsel from mentors and loved ones and lastly my level of preparedness. Will I be well prepared to deliver excellently within the given Time 't' ? 

What am I trying to say?

Opportunities for growth will always present themselves but most times they do not come in the ways we expect. Sometimes they come as tasks that we can easily walk over and at other times they appear as insurmountable mountains. But irrespective of the size, do not shrink back in fear or hide under the covers of mediocrity choosing to stay put at your current level or status quo. There is more to you than you realize. When GOD created you, HE put in you, HIS LIMITLESS ABILITY, so the only one who can truly limit you in life is YOU. Grab every privilege to stretch, to grow and to become better. The more you shrink back from growth; no one will ever know what you are capable of doing or becoming, not even you. As the saying goes, you will never know what you can do, unless you try.

....back to the story

With the necessary guidance, I prepared and made the trip. As the hours turned to minutes the fear in my heart became louder but there was no turning back.

Fear will always try to hold you back but just keep moving. Courage they say is the ability to do something that frightens you. Even in the midst of fear, step out.

Before you say NO to a task next time, ask yourself
-      Am I saying NO out of fear?
-      Should I give it a shot?
-      Is this an answer to my prayers?
-      Would GOD have me do this?
-      Will I become better if I gave it a shot?

It is time to move to the next level, so you have to leave that comfort zone. Try something new and more challenging cos you have what and WHO it takes to do it. *wink*



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