Inspirational Matters with Yspot!

 The favoured and successful spermatozoon     


At work yesterday we were shared into teams. It was kind of exciting as I watched people wait with so much anticipation to be told who their supervisors were. Finally the wait was over and we all got to know who was under whom and who our team mates were.

I got to my team and we were asked to introduce ourselves. I was stunned when one gentleman got up and told us he “Tolu” is a fortunate spermatozoon who successfully reached the end line before many other spermatozoa and as ordained by GOD the only spermatozoon that fertilized the egg and him as the end result…(I happen to be a biologist, and used to all these terminologies…..wink, its called the study of life…smiles). We all burst into laughter as he went on and on. I’d say what a very funny and unexpected way of introducing one’s self.

He actually reminded me of the message shared in Church last Sunday. I’ll just summarize. We were basically reminded that no matter how difficult things look and no matter how hard we have tried to attain a desired goal, we were not expected to give up. Why? ‘cos we faced a similar situation before we were born, even before we were formed in our mothers womb and..... good news, the fact that you and I exist indicates we succeeded despite the competition from our competitors. If you are yet to grab what I’m saying, let me break it down.

Here it goes- you came to be because you won the very first competition you participated in. In the race comprising of millions of spermatozoa and the fertilization of the egg as the finishing line, you got to the finishing line ahead of others, successfully fertilized the egg and tarannnn…….here you and I are today. It wasn’t mere luck, it was orchestrated by GOD.

So if you and I won the race amongst millions of yet-to-be individuals years back, who and what says we can’t today. No matter the struggles, the pains, the stress, the difficulties, the fierceness of our competitors, the distance we might have to run, the paths we might have to thread, we can confidently look at all those things in the face because we know we are capable owing to the undeniable victory that we attained before birth. Competitions are not new to us neither are competitors. It is clear that we have won before and we will win again today and will keep at it, why? “cos we realise we had to be WINNERS first before we could be born! Only favoured and successful spermatozoa are born, unsuccessful and unfertilized spermatozoa are shed off.  Therefore we’ve got no choice but to WIN!

 It’s in us to win and we have to!



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