A-Z Benefits of the Cross

While the inhabitants of the Earth were wondering when their King would come, GOD had the stage set already. He was patiently waiting for the right time; that perfect moment when Christ would be sent down and when the time was right Christ came but……
He came in the least expected way; He came as a baby showing his innocence
He was born in the manger; the most humbling way ever
His birth was heralded by angels to people the World least expected; to shepherds; for Christ was also coming to be a shepherd on earth
Although He had to die eventually but His death did us a whole lot of good and with all our debt cancelled we are;

Alive because He lives
Beaming because He has taken away our cares and worries
Courageous because fear has been silenced
Delivered from the curse of the law and oppression of the enemy
Elevated because He was lifted
Forgiven because He paid the price
Glorified because He gave us double for every shame
Honored because He bore our shame
Intoxicated with His love
Justified to justify others
Kindled to change the world
Liberated to fulfill His plans for our lives
Made in his image
Nearer to the love of the father
Open to the grace of eternity
Pure in heart like him
Quack in the flesh but strong in the spirit
Raised to seat with Christ in the heavenly places
Saved to serve
Totally set apart together with Christ to terminate the works of the devil
Unique and unusual; a different breed entirely
Vividly engraved in the palm of his hands
Worthy to worship
X-rayed, justified, healed and made whole
Yoke-free &
Zoomed (increased) on all sides with His riches

.....and that's why we can never be defeated

Yspot! et Puregold


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