Your work and your job matters to GOD

I was studying the book of Genesis 10, the initial verses showed the genealogy of the descendants of Noah and so I rushed and scanned through the genealogical part just the way some of us do but when I got to verse 9, I had to pause. The very first sentence caught my attention.

It reads:

He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; that is why it is said, "Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the LORD."

Nimrod was said to be a "mighty and great hunter before the Lord’. I kept repeating the words ‘was a great hunter before the Lord’. 

Okay let’s break it down together...

Nimrod was a hunter
Nimrod was a great hunter
Nimrod was a great hunter before people...No
Nimrod was a great hunter before the LORD

......What am I before the LORD?

Hmmmm....It is not a question of ‘who you are’ but ‘what you do ...for a living’. You might be a banker, a doctor or teacher but that is not who you are, that is what you do to make a living. There’s so much more to all of us; our hobbies, our strengths, our personality quirks, our travels, our experiences and our love for GOD all sums up to make us who we are. There is so much more to us than the bullets on our resumes.

Back to Nimrod...

Nimrod was a hunter and a great one at that. There might have been a host of other great hunters but what stood Nimrod out was the fact that he was a great hunter before the LORD.

Let's twist it a bit...
Nimrod was a hunter...What are you?
Nimrod was a great hunter....Are you good at what you do?
Nimrod was a great hunter before the Lord...Do you think you are getting the attention of GOD with the level at which you are performing on your job?

Pause and think....

-      What am I doing?
-      How good am I at it?
-      Do I work as if I am before the Lord or before my boss or my colleagues?
-      Am I getting the attention of GOD with what I do?

Lessons learnt

*Get something to do.....GOD is watching 
*Not only do you matter to GOD but the job you do matters to him also.
*And GOD actually notices how excellent and how outstanding we are on our jobs.
*As His children, we need to be conscious that GOD is watching us to bless the works of our hands.

You might not like your current job but keep at it. My Pastor said something at Church yesterday, he said “You might not like the job you are doing at the moment and it may seem like you are just marking time but through that job GOD will connect  you to the right person that will take you to where you truly belong. Till then, give GOD honour via the work of your hands.

Whether you are a cleaner, a plumber, a doctor, a footballer, an architect, a fashion designer....whatever it is that you do, be the best at it.

GOD has you on mind
GOD is watching you
And He won’t rest until He is done with you



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