For this Cause

There is a reason why you were made
A reason why you are where you are today 

There is a reason why GOD has given you access to the people, places and cities you currently have access to

There is a reason why GOD has deposited those giftings and talents in you 

GOD is a perfect master planner
He made us to fulfil purpose
He endowed us to make a difference
He desires that we go into the world 
....the world and its systems....

And why? 

It's all for the cause of His Kingdom 
It is HIS desire that we advance His Kingdom here on earth
We are His army and He expects us to Take-Over and not to blend in
HE wants us to speak up for HIM and birth a change that transforms lives
HE is waiting on you to invade and challenge the negative wave of lies destroying the minds and mindsets of HIS creation
Will you fail HIM? 

Your uniqueness is for a reason 
No one else can do what you were fashioned to do
Don't get too busy or remain idle while GOD is counting on you
Stay on course, ever conscious of the real purpose why you have been placed where you are
You have a role to play 
I have a role to play
We have a role to play

Someone defined darkness "as the world without you" 
When you don't take your place, the world gets darker and that's because you light up the world when you take your place
GOD is counting on you
The cloud of witnesses are watching 
And the world is waiting to feel our impact

I am here for this cause
And so are you
Yes, we all are here for this cause
The cause of Advancing the Kingdom 
We are the Rising Army; the Take-Over generation with one mandate to make the world become the Kingdom of our LORD and of HIS CHRIST 
And nothing can stop us cos GOD is with us, in us and for us. 


.... inspired by the message "Conquering Cosmos" by Apostle Joshua Selman.....



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