The Church

On my way to work this morning, I heard a disheartening statement over the air. Two people were engaged in a conversation that focused on the issue of being a baby papa or baby mama and all what not.That wasn’t even the crux of the matter.

As the conversation went on, one of the speakers was wishing someone she knew won’t end up being a baby papa and was hoping that he will marry first. The other party replied saying, it wasn’t compulsory to get married first before having a child, what matters most is ‘to do whatever makes you happy. *eyes-popped-out* 

Do whatever makes you happy....For real where did that come from? 

Do whatever pleases you, even if it doesn’t please GOD. Well, not everyone knows GOD right, but even for a person who is yet to acknowledge GOD, imagine them doing whatever makes them happy even if it is not sensible or morally right. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we shouldn't do what makes us happy but wisdom is profitable. As each day unveils, it becomes more glaring why the Children of GOD need to ARISE and SHINE.

He was then asked if he was saying being a baby mama or papa was right. But he evaded the question with the same reply, do whatever makes you happy, after all marriage is not natural.

Well, I can’t say I understand his context of marriage not being natural. But indeed marriage is not natural but supernatural, the more reason why it is important to get it right and not just do whatever makes us happy. Little wonder why the devil is bent on destroying and wrecking that institution.

The following questions ran across my mind?
-      What are we doing with the guidelines and lifestyles our parents took time and effort to judiciously teach us?
-     Have we forgotten all that we were taught? At least we should still have few of those laid down principles guiding our lives.
-     Could it be that, some of us weren't taught or we rejected the lessons taught?

The world certainly needs help and the good news is that GOD already prepared a solution by sending the Church to earth. When I say the Church, I’m not talking about the well furnished AC-fitted buildings where we meet to learn the Word. I’m, talking about YOU and myself. We are the Church, not the building. So it doesn’t matter if the number of the buildings where we meet regularly keeps increasing, nothing changes until you and I actually take our place. We have to use what we are being taught or else our effect will not be felt. 

Since we know the Way, we need to get out there and help people find it. Our impact needs to be felt in our offices, our schools, the fashion industry, the military organizations, in politics, in entertainment and other spheres of life. Let's show them how things should be done, challenge those wrong mindsets, adjust those faulty bills and laws and show our neighbours the right way of doing things. 

You and I, are the breath of fresh air that can sweep away the pollution brought by the devil and his cohorts.

We need to Arise and shine the LIGHT, that’s one sure way to heal the world.



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