Egusi and Ogbono Soup Combo

Someone may be wondering how this works. I was once like you until Osas; the awesome lady in the pix introduced me too. I had watched people place  orders asking for a mixture of different soups (half ogbono, half egusi or half okro and half egusi) all in one plate and then they sit down and gulp everything down with the right kind of swallow (poundo yam, eba or akpu). By the way, these soups and meals are common to Nigerians.

Well, I gave it a try and it made all the sense in the world. However, I am a fan of vegetables, so I kinda stick to ordering efo riro and egusi or I play safe with my fav; afang soup.

What's the benefit I hear someone ask? A perfect and adequate supply of the nutrients contained in both soups.

Anyway, to the main gist 😀;

Early in the month, while listening to Minister Tphils as I got to work, I had to pause and take my confession for the year 2020. I usually love to play Pastor Lawrence Oyor's Eagles chant (Soaking worship chant) in the background while taking the confession. As I carried on, I mistakenly unpaused Min. Tphils and as both played on, it was a perfect blend and I let them play on while I continued with the confession. I thought to myself, if I can mix or combine soups and get well-nourished, why not mix songs and tap from the Grace's upon both lives at the same time.

I had the same experience recently, this time it was Tphils in the background while Apostle Selman's "Fear no evil" message played along. It was an awesome experience. You can give it a try... but realize that just as you cannot combine some soups in the physical, some songs and messages cannot be played at the same time.

Call it madness...hahaha but you will not recover from the experience anytime soon. It is a way to get the atmosphere charged and also, a great way to get empowered with certain spiritual nutrients at the same time. ***Shines teeth😁. 

Even healthwise, when we realize we are lacking in some nutrients, we take a mixture of micro and macro nutrients sometimes. Same for our spiritual health, whenever you seem off, get the needed nutrients, chew and swallow either singly or as a combo. 

In another news, I hope you are all safe.

This too shall soon come to pass. However, if you don't know where you are headed after-life here on earth, ngbo( hear me), what are you waiting for. Hurry and find your way, just like the prodigal son, the Father is waiting for you to return home. Don't keep HIM waiting. 

Stay safe people.



  1. Actually I am allergic to solid meals and it soup but reading through you sure made me salivate. I would try mixing akara and palm oil beans soon. I hope I don't regret

    1. I can't laugh biko. Akara and palm oil beans??? All the

  2. Hmmnmmm I love combos....i will try out these spiritual ones suggested....way to go in this time. Thank you Yspot.

    1. I'm sure you would love it. Thank you too!!!

  3. Hmmnmmm I love combos....i will try out these spiritual ones suggested....way to go in this time. Thank you Yspot.

  4. Thank you for the good read. I remember as a youngster, I thought it cool to have the ability to read two literature pages simultaneously - like Rain Man without the downsides. I would say that your point promotes flexibility and out-of-the-box thinking to achieve one's ultimate goal.

    1. Well said. In the end achieving the ultimate goal is what matters. Thanks Rux!


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