I want to be like her... A true life story

The choir needed someone to make them some special blouses for an event the Church was having and my dear elder sister excitedly said I could do it.

*That was a huge open door for me*

I was so excited because I wasn't sewing for just one person. The choir was huge and they were going to pay me a good sum of Nigerian Naira. Well, I finished sewing the blouses but realized no matter how hard I tried, the upper part of the style didn't come out as expected. When I realized this, I told my sister and had her tell them to come get the blouses, and take them elsewhere for adjustment, and they shouldn't bother paying.

*I saw the open door slipping out my hands gradually or so I thought*

Days later, one of the ladies in the choir reached out to me and said, she noticed I was good at what I do but it was obvious I needed more training. The next thing she said, made me weak at my knees. She said; I will like you to attend the Lagos Fashion school. Don't worry about the bill, I will handle it. What??? 

*Love sees beyond our faults and mistakes just to build us up*

Back to the story;
I went to Lagos Fashion school on her account and today I am flourishing, all because a seed was sown in love.

Pause and let's deliberate on this;
Because I know someone will be thinking what has love got to do with all these, and in your mind you are saying, if a tailor tries this, you are just going to change it for the tailor. Biko calm down. We all have made mistakes in whatever field we are in, but someone was patient enough to show us the right way to do it. Think back to the time when you began wearing slippers or shoes...lol If you wore your slippers right on the 3rd attempt, please drop your name in the comment session..lol. Don't mind me, generally in life, it hurts when your expectations are not met, but it is wise to tread carefully.

There is a huge difference between reacting and responding to what people do. I will define them my own way:

Reacting: you do this when you haven't patiently sat down to think and consider the matter at hand. 

Responding: you do this after you have carefully considered the matter at hand, and allowed the Holy Spirit brood with you over the matter; giving you light and steps on what to do or how to handle the matter. The why, the what, the what if, the what if not, and the if I do it this way, what will be the repercussions, or the "based on our relationship, how do I handle it, and the 'for the sake of tomorrow reasons". 

You might be saying, who has the time to wait and think? Let's go down the memory lane. How many times have you reacted to people, and later regretted your action or found out it was even your fault in the first place or just a case of miscommunication, and If you had just paused for few minutes, that could have saved you a relationship, a client, a customer or your pride and dignity?

It takes a man or woman of depth to respond in such an extreme measure of love as the lady did. She showed a clear example of what it means to be in-dwelt and led by the Spirit of GOD. You might be on earth but you are not a natural being, you are supernatural, and the more conscious you are of your supernatural identity the more you stand out in life cos your light will shine brightly and loudly, especially via your actions. 

Isn't that why we are here on earth? 

To be different and to show the world the right way, and not the way they are used to doing things. You are light, and just as it can be baffling when the power supplied fluctuates or is at a low voltage because we are well aware that Nigeria has sources to generate power from but yet fails to meet the expectations of her people, so also is the world and its creation baffled when we shine the light today, go dim tomorrow and the next, when they know we have sources to generate mad and supernatural power from. 

Let the Holy Spirit have full control of the power button, so you can consistently shine the light and shine it at its brightest. One way to do this, is to love, even in the hardest of situations.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34 (NIV)



  1. Thank God for people like this. Oh may I keep on seeing the good in people and believe in them even at their lowest state.

  2. Thank God for people like this. Oh may I keep on seeing the good in people and believe in them even at their lowest state.

  3. Amen!!! We receive the grace. Thank you for the feedback. It is much appreciated.


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