I want biscuit

I sat beside a little boy and his mum. The boy was a little above 1 year. As the car drove on, I heard the boy say "I want biscuit". I had to look in his direction because he asked with so much authority. There was no trace of fear or doubt. He asked like someone who had a clear understanding of his rights and privileges.

*A child doesn't care how his needs will be met, he just cries or calls out, same for us also, cos of Christ, we can ask, knowing that GOD will get it done. It's not our duty to discover how or when but to BELIEVE.

He repeated it again, "I want biscuit". I turned to his mum to see what she will do. Immediately, his mum reached into her bag and brought a piece out and gave him. The child knew without doubt that when he asked his mum would respond.

*When we ask without wavering, we get answers*

*Remember the Bible verse that says "we have cos we ask  not" James 4:2*

You might be saying you've been asking and haven't yet received. It might be one of 3 things, maybe you asked in doubt, maybe it's not yet time or you asked with a wrong motive; you ask, and receive not, because you ask amiss. James 4:3

Back to the story;
While the boy nipped at his buscuit, I smiled to myself; because at his current stage or phase, a child would have whatever they asked for but as they grow and mature things begin to change. 

Remember when you first came to Christ, it seemed immediately you asked, you received but as you began to grow in your relationship with Him, you had to understand there was more to asking and receiving. Like the fact that somethings are;

Location based
A little child can ask for biscuit just about anywhere but a 13 year old will meet the angry stare of his mum if he makes requests at odd places. GOD has some blessings that are location based, and by location it can be where you are located physically or your position in the Spirit realm.

Time based
Within the ages of 1-4 a child can make a request and get it immediately but with time, they ask and they are shocked to get a NO, they cry but it seems the tear-ministry no longer does the magic. GOD will only release some requests to you when the time is right.

*Time remains one of the best teachers*

No parent will give their children a car at a very tender age. GOD will also not give you what has the tendency to destroy you at the phase at which you currently are but He will willingly release it when you mature or as soon as you come of age. 

Trumps children can walk in and out of the White House with items belonging to their father without fear. GOD is our father, and all He owns is ours. Sometimes, all we need to take or get what we've asked for, is to stand on our authority as the children of the ageless and changeless GOD. The answers to Daniel's prayers were being held back; but He didn't give up. This might be your situation too, but take your stand and claim what is yours! 


There will always be special privileges for people who belong to a household. A father is naturally biased to the members of his household. The voice and desires of his children are loudest in his ears, and that's one major privilege we enjoy as children of Yeshua. If you are not yet HIS, it's time to become one cos you are missing out on a lot.

A child's request will not always be for biscuits, as he or she grows, their needs change. In every sphere and at every phase of life, people have expectations of you because they expect you to grow and mature. GOD also expects that you grow.



  1. Yes.....I want biscuit too🙏🙏. Lovely approach Yspott. Our demand and supply get better when we have intimacy with God...a close intimacy. Then we will understand how He works with us.

  2. Yes.....I want biscuit too🙏🙏. Lovely approach Yspott. Our demand and supply get better when we have intimacy with God...a close intimacy. Then we will understand how He works with us.

  3. Very true! I like the way you used the demand and supply in relation to our intimacy with GOD.


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