Inspirational matters with Yspot!

Regular Check-ups

Medically it is advised to undergo medical check ups regularly, “prevention they say, is better than cure”. Medical check-up is a physical examination or inspection that a doctor performs to check if you have any signs of a disease.In developed countries where annual check-up is a must, people get the benefit of finding out any health problem before it is too late to cure it. For example the building up of fat droplets in the arteries which leads to the disruption of the flow of blood can be detected and avoided in an individual who regularly checks himself up. Some people think taking a regular check-up is actually a foolish venture and a waste of time and money but I choose to disagree, I think it's a sure way to preventing you from ending up on a sick bed where you will eventually spend more money and time than you would have used for a check-up. I have wanted to go for a check-up for a while now and still very much considering it.

If medical check-ups are so important and considered a must in some countries what should be said of “Spiritual Check-ups”? After all we are Spirit beings who have souls and dwell in the human body. If so much care and attention is to be given to the human body, our house or container, I can’t imagine the amount of care and attention we ought to pay to the real man himself-the spirit within the body. Or do you lavish all you money on your house and its surroundings while you and your family members go around the city looking starved and unkempt. Selah!

We need to check ourselves regularly to make sure our spirit man is healthy and not corroded with viruses and all the likes. We need to check often to ensure our immunity against the devil is intact and our sensitivity to his lies, tricks, strategies and plots very high for we can’t afford to be ignorant of his devices.

Check always to ensure there are no signs of envy, no roots of bitterness sprouting forth, no space for doubts and fears, no evil or corrupt thoughts lurking somewhere within your heart, no trace of pride or a sense of arrival for where we are now or what you and I might have achieved is nothing compared to what’s ahead, so we have to remember not to settle too early for less than God has in store. Check-ups enable us to see the negative things that might be building up within us and when we see this we do what we can do to get back in shape. We shouldn’t get obese with unnecessary spiritual junks.

You and I shouldn’t allow wrong things build up or else our spirit man will become complacent. And we know the spirit of man is most vital ‘cos we maintain our connectivity with God via our spirit.

It is advised spiritually that you check yourself up at the end of each day so you can avoid the avoidable-like blowing your boss in the face just because you haven’t dealt with that anger problem. Whatever issue it is, there is a word for everything in the Bible. There is a word on anger, impure thoughts, lying, pride and bitterness. Take a pill (verse) each day and I bet you will be perfectly ok. In case you are wondering if there will be side effects…nah. The word of God is so perfect! It cleanses and heals with no side effects.


Tomorrow on Generation De Next, we have Anne Kachukwu tell us about herself and how life has been- for her it's been God all the way. Don't miss it! Great week guys. 


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