Nutrition and Education- The Impact of Diet on Education

Good day everyone!  I believe we had a great weekend. Yea and happy new month to you all.
It's nutrition again on Yspot! We are carrying on from where we stopped last time.
Last time we talked about how diet goes a long way to affecting the level of intelligence and how a balanced diet can help curtail that effect as we take advantage of the 2 windows of opportunities we have especially for children aged 3 and below.
We also mentioned the micro-nutrients that are associated with the neurologic development of children within that age group.
Today we have those nutrients appearing again but this time around we have included their sources so we can do our part in ensuring our kids have enough of these nutrients.
Iron - Milk, Egg yolk, Bread, Ground nut, Cereals fortified with iron, Liver, Beans and green vegetables.
Zinc- Dark chocolate, water melon, Yoghurt, and Oats.
Iodine- Cabbage, Soy beans, cassava, sweet potatoes, maize and millet
Folic acid - Okra, Spinach, Corn, Cabbage, Tomato, Orange, Strawberries, Eggs and Bananas.
Vitamin B6- Rice, wheat, Fish, Garlic, Banana and Beef.

Just before I go, let me tell you a little about multi-mix. It has to do with the combination of food items from different food groups- protein, carbohydrate, fats&oil etc . It's a food based approach that uses traditional methods of food preparation, locally-available, cheap and affordable staple foods to give a nutrient-enriched multi-mix.
It is especially good for our growing children and is easily accessible as you use our local staple foods to prepare it.
keep a date with us for more about multi-mix. Have a great week ahead.



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