A September to Remember with TOMMY TUSH- W4

Our guest for today needs no introduction. If you are wondering why; that’s because he has been here on yspot! before today. You can read more about him via this link http://yspott.blogspot.com/2012/12/generation-de-next-meet-tommy-tush.html. For today he is here to talk to us about W4. He is no other person than Tommy Tush - Tush Baba. Music lovers get ready!

Tommy Tush is a singer-songwriter, a worship leader, a pianist and complete musician. He is the Minister of Music at Harvesthouse Christian Center churches and also the president of HEMEDY Music City, A very innovative and creative individual. He has authored a book titled Confessions in 2013. He is also a recording artist and a music missionary as he heads the Undivided Worship Concerts and Tours (UWCAT).
Let’s hear from Tommy Tush himself…….

Alright, take a deep breath as my ushers show him the way in…. ooops where my ushers at?


Come on ladies do that swiftly. *wink*

Lol… thank you ladies! Hey CEO yspot!, what’s up?

Me good oh… glad you could make it. It’s an honor having you here again.

Thank you.

Well, you have the floor. Get to it, let’s hear about you and W4.

*Smiles* alright! I direct music. I love directing music and writing songs. I am into music production and studio engineering. I hold music outreaches through UWCAT. I write blogs and have a platform for African gospel artistes- NoizeMakerzAfrica. I hold training and capacity sessions for musicians and use both live means and social media-which is what, gave birth to W4 which stands for World Wide Web Worship.

W4 began February 5, 2013. It started as an event to celebrate the one year anniversary of UndividedWorship Concerts and Tours (UWCAT) which started on the 5th of February, 2012 in the city of Abuja. It’s thus an off shoot of UWCAT and it’s powered by HEMEDY MUSIC CITY (HMC). Our aim in HMC is to submerge the world in God's own music.

The aim was to gather worshipers and musicians on social media and learn while worshiping. It’s TRIPARTITE in nature. The purpose of W4 is to inspire, empower and enlighten musicians, songwriters, producers and those in the music industry so that they can become better and be well positioned to be the best in their fields. W4 seeks to be a bridge between artistes and their role models, between Mentor and Protégée using social media to connect both.
Social media is a powerful tool which can be used negatively or positively. We thus decided to allow music minds and worship leaders to obtain the privilege of learning for free and with ease. The third purpose is to develop worshipers and worship leaders, sharpen our cutting edge and help men to worship effectively and better.

The 2nd Season of the event is coming up in Sept 27-28

THEME- The theme for W4 season 2 is ABLAZE- Its GMT time (Gospel Musicians Take-over) time.

AIM- We believe that it is the set time for Gospel Music Ministers to take the front-line. To take over the industry and the "the kingdom of Music" and make it the Kingdom of God. We aim through this event to inspire and "set musicians ABLAZE" so that they can take over. The aim is also to sharpen the effectiveness of music and entertainment artistes as regards God's call on their lives. We aim to reach out to millions of participants from around the world. We want to see the depth of worship and praise in our churches increase. We want to see songwriters shoot out writing songs that stem from the throne and resonates from the heavens to the heart of men having lives changed. OUR MOTIVATION IS TO SEE GOSPEL MUSIC AND MUSICIANS PROGRESS AND IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KINGDOM. IT’S STRICTLY KINGDOM BUSINESS!!!

FACILITATORS- W4 Season is hosting over 30 speakers who are Gospel Music ministers, Spoken Word Artistes, Rappers, Dancers, Mimers, Music Directors, Producers, Worship Leaders and Pastors who are great ministers in their own rights from around the world US, UK, AFRICA, UKRAINE and so on. Some of which are Motara Oluwatoyin, Bolaji Olayinka Psalmos, Reggie Strong Jr., Dannetta Lynn Rivers, Demario Mr-Mime Carr, Nathan Flo Akiremi, Bolaji Olarewaju, Olowe Oluwole A, Jamar Esaw, Rodrick Bubba Dowling, David Frazier, Shakina Lewis, Marlo Hogue, Tomika Webb, Miller Luwoye, Justin Rifica Douglas, Tolucci, Yinka Akinsulie, Kola Sax, Tosin Tosinger, Adenike Chatty Adebayo, Candy West, Timothy Jackson, Zanetta Wingfield, King David Tha Vessel, Mr Pokey, John Edward Okoh, Chad Howard, Joe Dingle, Jesus Torres, Shawn Mclemore and 2 of our non-music guests Dr Gbemi Leigh and Polola Oladipo. Yours truly Tommy Tush will also be there *wink*.






 The event is strictly online. It’s taking place on Facebook at www.facebook.com/hemedymusiccity. To participate it’s FREE but you have to like the page. On the day of the event, each speaker will come online and post so as to teach on their various topics. Several issues will be discussed. As each speaker posts updates, questions can be asked. W4 is going to be very practical. The updates will be seen live on the page. IT’S NOT A VIDEO CONFERENCE.
Also questions can be sent before the date to askw4now@gmail.com. Include your name and whichever of Speakers you wish to address the question to. It’s a 24 hour event


1. Be a part of the event by liking the page and logging on the date. 2. Invite your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Blackberry and other social media to be a part too by liking the page and inviting their friends. Let’s form a strong network. 3. Pray along with us as the day comes that God will indeed raise Himself an army and that there will be a release of empowered vessels for the Kingdom.

Enquiries for W4 can be sent to hemedymusic@gmail.com. To ask the guests questions on W4, send questions and name of guest it’s directed to this email- askw4now@gmail.com.

You can reach me on +2347032620328 or through tommytush@ymail.com Further questions can be sent to the Hemedy Music City page, Find me on facebook: facebook.com/tommytush and follow on twitter @TommyTusHemedy.


Thanks Tommy Tush. You have been an inspiration to us. There’s no greater joy than knowing you are fulfilling destiny. Whatever God as called you to do, don’t delay, get to it! That’s a word for someone- Get to it!

I’m sure we will all be at W4-GMT this weekend. See you there!!!



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