Bee Jaiye on yspot!

Giving of gifts, speaks volume of love to people. Studies have shown that giving makes people happy and happiness makes people give. Most importantly relationships are strengthened when gifts are given.

I asked two couples what they got last valentine. The First gave a list of all they got and I could see that they couple were happy about the gifts.

The second couple said they didn't exchange gifts because they were swamped with work. They both had targets to meet at work. Sad though, ‘cos giving and receiving of gifts is one of the love languages many people respond to. No matter how small, It's important you give your partner good gifts on special occasions like Valentine.

People derive more happiness from spending money on "strong ties". Gifts make us feel close to our partners and that feeling of encourages us to give the more.
It's important we make out time for our partners and make them feel important on special occasions. Never get too busy or see special days like Valentine's day as a normal day. It's a time to pour out your affections on the one you Love. Seize every opportunity to make your partner Happy.

Remember your Gift doesn't have to be expensive or grand, 2nd Corinthians 8:12 (Esv) for if the readiness is there, it is acceptable according to what the person has, not according to what he does not have. Most importantly let your partner know you care about them.

On a final note It's not over until It's over, So if you didn't get your partner a gift this Valentine you still can, it’s better late than never. Make him or her happy.

Facebook: Bee jaiyeola
Twitter: @jolillian
Instagram : beejaiye


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