Who are you?

Sometime ago, I and my little nephew were chatting
And we got arguing over something
In an attempt to look for his trouble
I jokingly asked him who are you, who do you think you are?
And he began crying and went telling my elder brother
“Aunty Tope said who are me?”
We all burst out in laughter
It was a funny scenario.
And right now I am going to pose the same question to you
Who are you? Selah!

It’s a simple but complex question, one that seeks to find out your understanding of whom God has made you to be, what you are capable of doing, and the authority you possess based on the finished work of Christ.

Who we are in Christ is one thing the devil capitalizes on, he doesn’t want you and I, to grasp who the father has made us to be in Christ and he does all he can to prevent us from understanding the power we possess in the name and in the blood of Jesus.

So many have fallen in that trap due to ignorance and live their lives in bondage to fear while the devil like a bird perches on their heads laying eggs of false doctrines, superstitions, thoughts of unworthiness and a whole lot of lies. He bounces them here and there like a tennis ball and like a prince who is ignorant of all the wealth in his fathers’ kingdom they fail to rise to their full potential, to walk in authority and to possess their possessions. They are bent over as they walk on their feet while servants ride on their horses. An insult to the father, the son, the cross and the Holy Spirit. Living way below what Christ death has wrought for them.

Well, its good news that many have gotten themselves out of the devils trap via God’s light flooding their hearts and now walk with the understanding that God’s ability is at work in them and that with God’s strength they can do all things. They have come to the realization that they are meant to be above only and are not in the quest to conquer but are conquerors already.

They know and are certain that fear has no more hold on them therefore they walk in faith pleasing the Father. They are conscious they have the mind of Christ and thus only God’s written will should be enforced in their lives; the written will says salvation, good health, victory, prosperity, success, progress, longevity, favor, power, wisdom, blessings, honor, protection and lots of great things belong to them.

They are not ignorant of what the father has bestowed on them and have no fear of possessing it all. They know so well that they have a covenant with the father based on the blood of the son and that the father will never go back on his word nor does he speak a careless word.

Truth be said in knowing Him we also get to know ourselves. 

You are who GOD says you are!


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