
Well, I'm not talking about feathers as in hair-do but the feathers found on birds. With their feathers on, chickens look good but without it they are a sight to behold. Within few minutes via the use of hot water their feathers can be taken off. For us as Gods children, we go through a similar process but quite the opposite.

Chickens have feathers naturally but for us, feathers are attached to us as we walk through life. They can be likened to things we have achieved and acquired over time and if we are not careful these feathers can fly us down with our pride trailing behind us especially when we forget that all we have, all we are and all we have become are all as a result of grace and not of our doing.

At such times, God steps in especially if you are His and in love he taps out or removes whatever feather he has to, just to get our attention. He strips us of all we count as important or anything that might stand in his way, things we seem to idolize unknowingly, whatever it is that is competing with His place. Most clearly His glory can’t be shared with anyone, not to talk of a thing. 

As the chicken has its nakedness exposed when being de-feathered, after God's loving touch our weakness and frailties are made obvious to us. He makes us realize we can’t take a step forward if He doesn’t give us the strength to and we cannot achieve anything except He helps us. Through our weaknesses His strength is made perfect. Truth be said without his glory and touch upon our lives, ours would be a life of struggle.

The phase of life when we are being broken by God is not easy but very needful. He breaks us to ensure we are ready and well fitted for the position he has ordained for us to occupy in other to fulfill the plans and purpose He has sent us here to undertake.

My father and mentor: Rev Eboda says one thing I like- "don’t arrive or settle too soon". That you achieved one mile stone doesn't mean there aren't other mile stones ahead of you. Don’t wallow in yesterday’s achievements, God has much more in store for you. Imagine a chick with one feather feeling like a cock. Come to think of it chicks actually have feathers as they hatch, right from birth. We serve the God who is God indeed and a jealous one at that. Let nothing take His place. I know for sure there will still be a lot of feathers attached to our caps as we make progress but let’s not permit that get in the way.

Keep soaring!                                                                                                                                     yspot!


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