God is my Father

Yes of a truth He is my father and yours too. I’ m really thrilled and more than grateful to have GOD as my father. It’s a great privilege and honour. The joy and satisfaction that comes from knowing and acknowledging him as a father is what my life feeds on and where I get the strength to walk through life daily.

Knowing GOD as a father is not sufficient, acknowledging and giving him his place is what is most important. Kids, who were abandoned by their fathers when they were much little, may actually know their dads but until such fathers take their positions as fathers, they will only be figure heads. It’s the same spiritually, GOD is a Father to all but you experience and enjoy his fatherhood based on the extent to which you acknowledge him as Father.

We get our identity from GOD just the way every created thing, especially animals and humans get their physical identity from their parents. People who know your parents can easily tell who your parents are when they meet with you. 

Well, can they also tell that you are the son or daughter of the Most High GOD? We were created in his image, yes! But in character, attitude, intelligence, works, and our life style in general, can it be said that we look like our father? The level of intelligence He shows, the power He possesses, the way He loves, and so much more should be evident in our lives. 

I look around and it is clear we are living way below our Father’s capabilities, competencies and capacity to accomplish things. I'm guilty too and I know it! It’s time for us to really step up and make the world know that GOD’s children have not gone extinct. The creation awaits our manifestation. Let them feel our swagger and seek to know our father. Let them begin to ask: please whose son or whose daughter are you? Then you reply: Omo Jeus ni mi! (I'm Gods!)

Let's make our Father proud!


  1. Tope!!!

    This is a great job. I love it.
    You must keep it up!



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