
For me growing up was fun. I was so bold at the beginning. But over time I just realized I was no longer bold but very fearful. How? Can’t explain what went wrong.
Well fear succeeded and kept me from doing all I could and should back then but over time, I got a grip on fear and showed fear its place. It’s saddens me when I recall those past years and the opportunities I let slip. I'm grateful to God that I realized how to deal with fear at the time I did.

What we don’t realize is that whatever we fail to attain, acquire or achieve today because of fear only lengthens the time it will take for us to attain, acquire or achieve whatever it is.
Fear can be dealt with, very true but we have to be ready to deal with it. We have to make a resolve not to yield to fear and to resist it. To say yes to things we can do and what we should do, to get involved in activities and whatever we enjoy doing, to make the most of every moment, registering our relevance. We can’t go through life hiding, why? When we are the light!

To be all God created us to be, we have to be fearless, bold and full of faith. Choosing to take a stand against the devil and prevent him from making us slaves to fear. The devil knows what you and I are capable of and does all he can to stop us from doing and becoming all that God has desires. He paralyses us with fear, keeping us glued to a spot.

Well he can only do that for a while, once we see through his gimmicks, he loses his hold on us. For via understanding we conquer the devil. Truth be said, faith in GOD gives the boldness we need. Let's face our fears, whatever they may be and prevent fear from covering our light, our beauty and Gods glory over us. 
There’s more to you and there's more to me. Quit hiding ! Let our light be seen and our relevance felt!

Go ahead and do that which you’ve always wanted to do or what you know you ought to be doing. Take that step now!!!!!!



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